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Alice Kelly was on her way home from dance classes. It had been a long day for the 17 year old high school student. She wore sweatpants over her dance outfit, and had her hair tied back in a tight ponytail. Her instructor had been particularly strict tonight, and her inner thighs were sore from all the exercise.
She opened the front gate to her house and walked inside. She heard her dad on the phone, and quietly stepped upstairs. She made it into her room, and dropped down on her bed. She was exhausted!
"Alice!" yelled her dad. She groaned and put a pillow over her head. Her father came storming in. She knew what it was about. It was always the same thing, the phone bill.
"How do you spend four hours on the phone? You see these people all day and then come home and talk for four hours?!" he yelled.
"Daaad..." said Alice, feebly. She didn't want to have to hear this. It was a quiet suburb, and the neighbors could probably hear him. Outside, thunder roared and shook the window panes.
"Don't 'Daaad' me, young lady. You're paying this phone bill..."
There was a loud crash. The lights dimmed suddenly, and flickered, and for a moment, Alice saw spots before her eyes. When the lights came back up, Alce looked up at her Dad. She watched in awe as his black slacks fused together and shrank into a knee-length black skirt. His hair fell down to his shoulders, and his white shirt top became a pretty white blouse. His tie vanished, and his posture changed as he was suddenly in heels. His figure became slender, and his chest pushed outward a little. Alice's father was now a thirty-something woman. She sat bolt upright, and noticed something was different. Her sweatpants were gone, and there was a tutu attached to her dance leotard. Her pointe shoes were back on, and she felt her chest jiggle just a little more.
"And another thing," said the woman that was Alice's father. "Don't be walking home in your frilly little tutu. You know how boys are, and I don't want you getting hurt. You know how your mother and I worry."
The woman turned and left, leaving Alice standing in her room, baffled.
"What just happeend?!" she said aloud.
Written by Anon
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