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A few days later, the dream stops repeating and you get on with your life. After a few more weeks have passed, you notice a bizarre-looking stranger on the street. He has wild black hair and ghostly pale skin, wearing a white shirt, black pants, and a balck trenchcoat that flares out behind him. Oddly enough, there is something very familiar about him. When he catches sight of you, he rushes over, grabs you, and pulls you into an alley where he presses you up against the wall.
"Look kid, I know what you're going to say, but you have to believe me! This is not real! You're not really who you think you are! You were captured and hypnotized!"
You are terrified now, but try not to let it show. "What are you talking about? Are you insane?"
The man growls. "Dammit, kid, snap out of it!" he shouts, slapping you across the face. Suddenly, everything snaps into place. Your old mind returns with a jolt, and you remember everything that happened, but have no memory of the time you were hypnotized.
You slide down into a sitting position. Thirak, as you now recognize him to be, squats down as well. "What happened?" you groan.
"You were captured by my brother again." Thirak explains. "Then you were placed here, in a virtual realm, to make you think you were a perfectly normal girl, so you wouldn't be able to mess up his plans. You were here six weeks real time. By now half the planet's population has been affected. Fortunately during that time I learned a few new tricks, namely new offensive magic." Thirak reaches into his trenchcoat and removes a cast-iron rod with a decorative golden hook on the end. "I present my focus rod. It allows me to focus my strength and use offensive magics that I wouldn't be able to use without it. Now to get out of here..."
Thirak raises the focus rod into the air and the hook glows with energy. Thirak aims the rod at the ground, then releases a bolt of lightning from the hook. The bolt strikes the ground and spreads everywhere. You hear explosions, as your view flickers. With another louder explosion, your view dissolves to static, then fades to blackness. The blackness then fades to reveal that you are inside some kind of high-tech VR pod. You see Thirak walk over and smash open the window of the pod before helping you out.
"What did you do there?" you ask.
Thirak smirks. "Like I said, you were in there for six weeks. Plenty of time for me to learn some new offensive magics. That was my personal favorite, the Chain Lightning. Anyway, you're out now, so it's time to get back on track."
Written by X
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