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High School hottie anyone?

Suddenly, you remember, for some reason, that the bus to school is almost there! You grab your lunch, kiss your mom goodbye and dash out the door. The school bus is turning the corner as you get to the sidewalk. Whew! Just in time! It stops and you get on. Near the middle, two students you don't seem to recall are motioning you to sit in the seat next to them. Not really knowing just why, you do so.

"Hey, Valerie, what's shakin'?" says the boy.

"Ummm . . . not much, how about you?" you reply nervously.

"Well, guess who's now captain of the baseball team?"

"Let me guess, you, right?"

"Yeah! Just got the news the other day!"

"Way to go, umm . . ." you trail off because you don't know this boy's name, but his face, for some reason, seems familiar.

Suddenly a name pops into your head from nowhere! David. Strange, where did that come from? Well, seems you know his name now so you finish.

"Way to go David!"

"It was nothing! I was a shoe in for captain! Which reminds me of our promise. You didn't forget, did you Val?"

Well, you seemed to have suddenly recalled his name, you wonder if it will work the same way with the promise. Do you remember?

Written by girl2themax!!!

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