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Valerie starts stripping Edwin`s clothes off with an evil-sounding laugh. She makes you help with taking off his shoes, pants, shirt, underwear, everything. Then, she pulls out an outfit for him, and you can`t help but laugh.
A couple of hours later, Edwin is fully reactivated. He sees you and Mistress Valerie standing together and shoots you a look. "What are you doing up here?" he demands, staring right into your eyes.
You look at Valerie and smile. "He can`t tell what we`ve done yet, can he?"
"Not until I press this button," she replies, holding up her remote and gesturing at one of the buttons with her thumb.
"Can`t tell what?" Edwin demands. As he says that, Valerie presses the button. He looks down at himself and sees what you and Valerie have done. He is wearing a short, pink version of your own emerald green French maid dress, complete with a pink petticoat and pink thigh high stockings. He has on a pink headband, but the hair underneath is still in a masculine style. His face still looks the same, too.
"Oh, no!" he yelps. "No, Mistress, please! This is too humiliating! You can`t make me work like this!"
"I can, and I will," Valerie tells him sternly. "I can make you act however I please." She presses a button, and suddenly, an airheaded, bubbly expression comes over Edwin`s face. He giggles like a schoolgirl and says, "Ooh, Mistress, thank you!" He starts to sing the song "I`m So Pretty` and prances around the room, his petticoat bouncing around him and showing glimpses of sissy panties. You can`t help laughing. Valerie presses another button, and suddenly Edwin stops. He returns to his regular personality. He stares at you and Valerie in horror. "Now you understand," Valerie says. "And you will no longer try to play with Maria or any of my other dolls without my permission. Understood?"
Edwin says nothing, but nods in humiliation. He heads off to the kitchen to start preparing food. You follow him down there to help him, laughing at the sight of his hips swaying from walking in his pink heels. "Valerie`s guests will just looooooove you," you tease.
"Oh, shut up," Edwin retorts, and calls you a nasty name. You glare at him and say "Sissy program."
Suddenly, something in Edwin`s system boots up, and Edwin finds himself acting like a sissy girl again as he had briefly done upstairs. "Ooh, Miss Maria, where are we going?" he says in a lispy, effeminate voice.
"We are going downstairs to prepare our mistress` meal for her guests," you explain. "We must hurry down, though, sweetie. Quickly!"
You and the feminized Edwin dash down the stairs as quickly as you can in your pettis and heels. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, you say "End sissy program."
Edwin`s personality shifts back to normal again. "Valerie . . . reprogrammed me to obey you?" he says cautiously.
You nod and grin triumphantly. "You`re MY toy now. And if you`re not good tonight, I may make more changes to you and set you up with some big fat guy to be your boyfriend."
Edwin shivers at the thought.
Written by an anonymous author
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