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The man removes his mask to reveal a lion. "HAHAHAHAHA! You fat fool," he taunts, "you were so easy ... you people are all alike, you take any short-cut to get what you desire, no matter how bad things get!"
"Why did you do this to me?" you whimper, as your belly continues to swell, "what did I ever do to you?"
"It's nothing personal," he says, taking a fake sympathetic tone, "I'm just a poor hungry lion, making do with my resources to get food. And you will make a grand feast." He places his paw on your expanding stomach and shakes, sending hundreds of waves throughout your entire body. But the lion isn't finished taunting. "Look at what you did to yourself." he says, switching on a TV to your side. You look at it, and see yourself lying there on the floor, getting bigger as the seconds roll by. The lion causes the camera to zoom in on various parts of your body, obviously trying to torture you more. You watch as your belly grows out, pushing your legs apart, which look more like huge pillars. Your chest more resembles two foothills to a mountain then anything else. Your arms become shorter and build up rings of fat around your shoulders. Your face bloats out, and your cheeks become full and round.
Finally, the swelling slows to a stop. Huge tears well in your eyes and roll down your fat cheeks. Even if you found a way to get out of this, you will never be able to live a normal life. “Why are you doing this to me?”, you plead, forcing yourself to look away from the massive blob splayed out on the TV screen.
“It spices up my meal,” he says, licking his lips, “and I enjoy whine with my meat.” The lion presses a button on his desk, “Send them in.” The massive door opens, and a large group of people enter, pushing a large platform on wheels towards you. They group together, taking hold of your arms and legs, and lift with all their might. After numerous attempts, they lift you high enough to slide the platform under you.
“Get him ready,” the lion says, “and be quick about it, I’m starving." They roll you into the hallway, through many doors, and you are helpless to do anything, but you’ll become the meal of a lion if you don’t do anything. What are you going to do?
Written by an anonymous author (edited by wanderer)