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"Welcome to Nature's Association for the Advancement of Fat Animals", smiles Bubba, turning to face you where he stands beside you, holding you up. "Perfect place for guys like us."
You gasp at the sight of his face ... he's growing hairier! (You wouldn't have thought that was possible!) Before your eyes, his form seems to swell, brown fur growing and turning reddish as his face pushes out into a snout. Within moments, he's become a bear-man ... just like the ones having a pizza bust with the equally rotund badger-men!
"Here", he drawls as you gape in shock, now easily supporting you with his brawny, shaggy arms, "a fat animal can eat as much as he likes, as long as he likes, and get as big as he likes. No limits, no tight clothes, no tight doorways. Just lots of food!" He grins happily at you.
"But", you stammer, "but I don't want to be fat! I don't even want to be a hippopotamus! I just want to go back to being a thin human being!"
"Now, Hoss", the bear drawls, freeing one paw to grab a passing pizza and dig in, "you know that ain't true. Ain't nobody eats like you do 'less they love eatin'. I mean", he laughs, "you polished off more'n twenty boxes o' those chocolate bars, two dozen a box! An' then you eat a meal big enough t'slow me into near-hibernation! Plus them other candy bars you eat while we was gettin' here. Uh-uh, Hoss", he shakes his heavy head, "don't sound too much like you wanna go back t'bein' a furless toothpick anytime soon."
Bubba's words surprise you. Could he be right? Worse, do you have a choice? If he lets go, you can feel that your legs won't be able to last two steps before they give out ... and with all these bears around, being a helpless herbivore doesn't sound like a good idea! Maybe you should give in ... at least until you can get away. Besides, if Bubba can be human sometimes ...
On the other hand, you think, do I really want to give up on getting back my old self, even for a while? Give up on being human, just to live in a place where I get free meals and a lot of company that weighs almost as much as I do?
"'Course", Bubba grins toothily around a mouthful of pizza, "if you don't like bein' a hippo, we can do somethin' about that ... "
Decide, quick!
Written by Wanderer