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Looking into the mirror has revealed you are now a mere child. Suddenly, a grown man walks into the room. He looks at you and screams!! Who are you?! Where am I?! he screams.. This is my house! "Who are you?! Im supposed to be an adult! What's going on?!" you scream.
"Im just supposed to be a kid!!" screams the man frantically.. Suddenly a bright light fills the room. As it lessens you find yourself looking at a comical dwarf. "Perhaps I can be of assistance!" he said. "I am a genie" The young boy here, he said motioning to the man standing in the room with rippling muscles "wished to be just like you the other day when you passed his school.. He had already been told he had three wishes, and this was his third..."
The grown man looks dispargingly at the floor. "Thats right," and Im the only one who could use the lamp for..."
"Another ten years.." finishes the genie. You feel your smooth face, and look up at your new friend.. "What were the other two wishes?" you grumpily ask.
"For no one to tell me what to do anymore and a new bike.." he says sadly, in a baritone voice and model good looks with brown hair and a killer smile.
"Well with my Harley and my self-employment you got your wish!" I said..."So what now" you ask..
"Looks like youll have to teach the lad how to be a grown-up!" says the genie.."or youre both screwed!"
"C'mon", you say, looking up at your taut lean body..."you need a shave..."
Written by Terri