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You'd forgotten just how large the carnival was. It'll take hours to look for someone, and you might pass Carla without knowing. Nothing for it but to ask.
You start politely questioning people, who give friendly, if useless, answers. You're flattered by their attention on your muscles, and are soon caught up with the carnival, dancing and flexing for the delight of young, attractive women, who have no idea where 'this Carla' might be. Time swirls into a blur of colours, sounds and scents, but at some point is brought sharply back into focus by a thump on your side. You turn to find a youngish woman sprawled on the floor, glaring at you.
"Oh, I am so sorry!" you stammer, mortified. "Are you okay. Let me help you up!" In your haste, you almost lift her off the ground! She is slight, dark skinned, with waist-length black hair; dark, ocean coloured eyes set in an oval face and delicate lips. The gleam in her eyes cools, and she smiles.
"You do be having manners! Yes, I be fine, thankyou." Her voice is rich and deep, with a smoky Caribbean accent threaded through it. She takes a step, and winces.
"You're hurt!" You slip your arm around her in support, casually flexing as you do so.
To your suprise, the usual 'oohs' and 'aahs' aren't forthcoming. She merely stares dissaprovingly at you. "You don't need so many muscles, and you be too proud of them."
You stare in suprise, slightly narked at this criticism. Her eyes flash, and she tilts her head. "You never taught that it's rude to stare at a lady?"
"Weren't YOU ever taught that it's rude to insult people?" At that, she smiles. "Well, at least I can do THIS.." With barely an effort, you hoist her onto your shoulder. "Where to?"
Her smile widens into a friendly grin. "Maybe these muscles have some use after all. I'd be abliged for you to be taking me to my tent."
Written by Lupine