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Albert turns and, seeing your massively muscled frame and a pretty woman atop, grins. "So that's what kept you! Who's the..." As you draw closer, it finally clicks, and he looks ready to leap at Carla.
She merely smiles. "Relax Albert, your friend here be catching Carla." She turns her smile on you. "Thankyou for the ride, but my leg no be hurt."
Fred howls "You!"
"Me!" she agrees easily. "Hiya Fred, you be looking... fat and comfy to be telling the truth. Did Carla's supper be filling?" Mischief flickers in her eyes and she leaps from your shoulders onto Fred, sending him sprawling. She then commences to tickle him mercilessly, leaving Fred nearly crying with laughter. "Do you be ready to apologise and be a good wolf?"
Before Fred can gasp out a reply, Albert grabs Carla by the shoulders and lifts the small priestess up to his face. "How did you know my name?" He suddenly looks very dangerous.
Carla's smile fades, to be replaced by her own temper. "You be having less manners than your pal here." Her hand flashes out and pulls Alberts jaws apart. "But I only be needing teeth, not yourself." She begins to inspect his teeth, nodding to herself and murmering "Yes, these be doing Carla fine!"
"What d'you mean TEETH?" yells Albert, dropping her like a hot brick, just as you ask, "How the heck do you know this stuff?"
She sighs, exasperated. "I be having second sight, fool. That's why I be knocking into you back there. Carla be no THAT clumsy, even if you be! And you be late! What happened, you stopped off for a snack?" Seeing Fred's blush, she roars with laughter. "And yes Albert, teeth. Yours. Carla be uncursing Fred, and taking your teeth."
"And without them, you won't take the curse off, right? You did this to poor ol' Fred just to get my teeth?"
Just for an instant, Carla seems beside herself with rage, before she gets control. She growls, "Do no be flattering yourself. I never be using people like that, d'you hear? Fred showed no respect, so I be teaching him right from wrong. If he be learning his lesson, I be taking the curse off. But I also be wanting some teeth!"
With that, she strides to her tent and throws the flaps back. She curtly motions you inside.
Written by Lupine