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"We're going to that new wrestling ring in the park! The dinosaur wrestling team is having a practice. You might consider coming along to watch." Rudy suggests, pulling on a fresh muscle shirt that shows off his muscular physique to impressive effect.
"I dunno, seems kinda late", you tell them.
"Oh, come on. We can make it if we hurry", Albert replies, pulling on a t-shirt tank top.
"Well, I guess. Sure", you say, pulling on a fresh sweatshirt and shorts.
After about half an hour, the three of you get to the park, the dinos already practicing. All of them are huge and muscular, but the ones that catch your eye are 3 in particular.
The first is a hugely muscular tyrannosaurus, even bigger than Albert! He seems like a very show-off kinda guy though, wearing a pair of tight nylon pants with a pattern of flames running along the cuffs of the pants(tight, right over the ankle) and the waist. The red and white underside contrasts beautifully as he moves, his muscles bulging and rippling as he works his way in the ring.
The second, a muscular raptor, wears a muscle shirt and very baggy pants, barely clinging to his thin waist, showing off the top of his boxers. Partway down, you notice a large bulge ... from the baginess of the jeans, you suspect. A pair of black sunglasses sits on his snout as he watches from ringside. His highly toned arms and chest are easily visible from the way he dresses and you can't seem to stop looking at him. With so many varying shades of green on his body, his stripes and underside are magnificent in colour.
The third is the ankylosaur wrestling with the rex. It's a clash of muscles, really, both having about the same mass. His entire body is bare, except for what little can be hidden behind a tight g-string and a small ankle band and arm band. They all seem ready to flex at a moment's notice, but the ankylosaur looks pretty calm and quiet about it all from what you can tell, the nice gold colour mixing with the white belly and green backside. There's a splotch of white at the end of his snout as well.
"Are all wrestlers this hunky?" You think to yourself with a sigh, getting a pat on the head from a chuckling Albert. Then you quickly follow him down the steps toward some benches near the ring.
Written by Rakeesh (edited by wanderer)