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Grumbling through all your "pikas" and "chus", you tell the others, "Look, you might like being a Pokemon, and frankly I've always been a Pikachu fan myself, but I think we should destroy the evil scientist who started this mess. Besides, he has to be planning something evil."
"But how?", Charmander asks you. "It's not like we can just ask someone where he is or what he's doing."
"Maybe we can", you muse. "Wait here a minute."
As Charmander starts a fire to warm everyone up, you bound off into the bushes. Finding a good spot, you settle down and concentrate. Katie, you say in your mind. Katie, I need you. To emphasize the point, you imagine a big neon sign:
Soon, you feel something ... a sort of tugging in your mind, leading you toward a road you passed before. As you draw near, you see a slight figure ... it's your cousin Katie!
"This better be good", your sharp ears hear her mutter. "If that cousin of mine thinks he can drag me away from the Rhine Institute every time he needs a mind-reader, he can just ... who's there?", she breaks off as she turns to face you. "Who's there?"
Slowly, you come out into the light of the cold winter sun. "Pi-ka!", you say, wishing you could talk human again.
"This can't be happening", she groans as she shakes her head. "Pikachus do not exist ouside of cheap Japanese cartoons, they just don't ..."
You imagine a new neon sign:
She shakes her head, looking confused. "Cousin?", she asks, looking around her. "Where are you?"
"Pika-pi!", you tell her. I'm over here!
She looks at you strangely, almost as if she heard you that time. "Cousin?"
"If you're my cousin", she says cautiously, "I can't believe I'm doing this, but if you're my cousin, do the opening of the Laverne and Shirley theme song."
"Pi! Pi-ka-pi! Pi-ka-pi-ka-pi-ka-pi-ka."
"Okay", she sighs, "this is getting weird. What happened?"
You concentrate on a large needle.
"Okay, you were injected with something? What?"
"Pi-ka-chu", you shrug.
"Okay", she sighs again, "then who did it?"
You concentrate on an image of Dr. Lengths.
"I'm seeing a man ... is he the one who changed you?"
"But who is he?"
You go back to the neon sign:
"Len", she stumbles. "Doc ... len. No. Leng? Length ... Doctor Lengths?"
"Pi-ka!", you cheer.
"And you thought my teaching you about telepathic messaging was a waste of time", she smirks. "The good news is", she continues, "I know where Lengths' hideout is."
"He's my part-time job outside the Institute", she tells you smugly. "He likes having a secretary around to take notes and bring coffee. You just get there-"
"Pi!", you interject, and scratch three lines in the dirt.
"Okay, you and your three friends ... busy lately ... show up, and I should have him knocked out with a sleeping pill in that slop he calls coffee. Be there by ten, though, or all bets are off."
"Pi-ka-chu", you assure her, and scamper back to tell your friends.
Written by Mitchell Lord (edited by wanderer)
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)