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As you watch, your body starts to fill out, your muscles becoming soft and jello-like. Quickly, you try to stop this transition by grasping at your growing stomach and pushing back, trying to stuff the extra flesh back into your formerly muscular figure. Despite your efforts, your stomach simply grows around your hands, almost enveloping them. You soon realize that your hands and arms are growing as well, and the growth of your chest and shoulders is enveloping them as well, making them seem shorter. You look down, and see your chubby legs swelling and spreading across the floor. Then, they disappear as your growing midsection flows between you and them, hiding them from view.
Suddenly you realize, if you keep up this pace, you'll be trapped here on your back! You quickly try to sit up, but as you do, your immense stomach presses against your legs, forcing you to a sudden stop, pushing you flat as violently as if you'd run into a brick wall! Quickly, you start rocking yourself back and forth, trying to gain enough momentum to turn over onto your stomach. You are gladly rewarded as you rise into the air atop your growing midsection. You are suddenly aware of your shorts cutting painfully into your body ... glancing to the side, you can see in a nearby mirror that the fabric is stretched to its limit, your legs' billowing flesh expanding far beyond the edges. Just then, the fabric tears right along the seams, and you see your thighs expand like a waterballon being released from a tight grasp. Luckily for you, the boxers you have on are elastic, and expand to accomodate your still-growing backside.
Suddenly, you hear a groan from in front of you. You see Albert on his back, in as bad a situation as you. His formerly well-kept waistline has suffered as much as yours has, and is still growing. His scales are stretched tightly across his flesh, and as you watch, they actually split, exposing sensative flesh to the air. Poor Albert, you think painfully ... but as you watch, scales grow to cover these areas. His neck inflates like a tire, trapping his head between his ever-growing shoulders. His arms seem to shorten, as yours did, and his chest sits like foothills to a mountain beneath his tight shirt. You suddenly hear tearing shorts, and see Albert's shorts fly off much like yours. Albert's legs swell like balloons in their new freedom. After a while, Albert's growth stops, and he tries to rise, but finds himself anchored to the ground by his extra weight, while you continue to grow.
As you painfully rise to your feet, you examine yourself in the mirror ... and realize with relief that your growth has finally subsided. Your sleeveless shirt is streched to its maximum. Something tells you if you took it off, it would probably be big enough to serve as a tent for a family of four ... with room for a pool table. Your stomach bulges through the wide gap between shirt and shorts, and you see that you have become bigger then Fred and Albert combined! You take a step, and feel your body shimmy violently as it shifts in at least five directions at once. You groan at the strange and unfamiliar feeling of it all. From the looks of it, your neck seems to have left this world for good, replaced with rings the size of tires. Your hands are almost nothing but bags of bloated flesh ... twiddling your fingers, you see that you can barely move them at all! Your seat, meanwhile, is as big as a truck's ... well, backside, with love handles by the dozen. Though you have a little trouble at first, you find you are still mobile. You're slowed to a waddle, though, and you don't think you'll ever get used to the feeling of shifting flesh pulling you in so many directions ... especially down.
Suddenly you hear an evil cackling. It's Carla ... and apparently she finds her curse delightfully funny. As her laughter subsides, she says ...
Written by Jack (edited by wanderer)