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The figure keeps hold of your hand for a long time. They bend closer and closer, so much so that you wonder if they've fallen asleep where it sits.
The figure stares hard, then suddenly seizes you harder and inspects your wrist and forearm before dropping it, radiating confusion. Then they look up at you suspiciously, and in a much more normal voice ask,
"Have you been Mucking Around with this hand?"
You stare at them dumbly, unsure whether to laugh or be mortally insulted. You're about to retort coldy when they grab your other hand and subject it to an even closer scrutiny. Then they sit up a little more and stare into the middle distance, muttering to themself. Then the eyes focus on you again, in an air of deepest mistrust.
"Are you a Pawn of Fate?"
"If I were, would it make the slightest bit of difference?" you reply bluntly (missing the profound philosphical implications of your question), annoyed that you've lost your money to a shameless fraud who's trying to get out of giving you a fortune.
"Then are you a fictional sprite, created solely to have your form and actions shaped and twisted for the amusement and entertainment of others, being used to play out their inner thoughts, and seeing what bizarre situations they can get you into next?" You just stare at them, not even dignifying the insane question with a response.
The figure shrugs to itself, then looks you in the eye. The sepulchural voice returns.
"I can't believe I'm telling you this, but I see an alligator. A giant alligator. And a wolf the size of a house. They're nearby, and you will see them soon."
"Yes, I know!" You snap irritably. "I arrived with them." The figure gives a small start, but recovers quickly. They shut their eyes.
"I cannot see Carla. But I do see... an arena. No, now the carnival. You're being lifted..." The voice trails off, and the figure starts rocking a little on the chair. Just as you're about to stand up, the eyes open, and they're not looking at anything in this world.
"There's a ball... a huge round ball... there's costumes... peacocks and music... beware the music!... the noise and the rythym, magic at work... a crowd of women around you... irresistible... you grow! More than the world can contain... you wrestling... other things, watching you... cheesecake, strawberry... and donuts. Eternal donuts!"
"I see an island too!" sweat is pouring off the reader's face. "A jungle... butterflies... and treefrogs... tribes... golden beaches and coconuts... the sun, sparkling off an ocean... and a whale... walking to the fish market at the city wharf... and... Agh!"
The reader jerks, eyes snapping shut and open again. When they can focus again, they lean forwards and say in an air of deadly earnest:
"There is something that you must NEVER do, or terrible changes will befall you! Do you understand? You MUST NOT do this thing!"
It's your turn to rock backwards now, feeling a little shaky. Wow. If this is an act, its a darn impressive one. You find yourself nodding.
"What?" your throat asks hoarsely.
"You must never, ever, play volleyball."
You blink, then burst out laughing. Good grief! And you'd thought they were working up to something exciting!
"Thanks for the fortune, but I'm afraid it didn't really help me much. I'll remember that, though: Don't play volleyball." you exit the tent, rumbling in amusement.
When you've left, the figure pulls back its concealing clothes, to reveal a female wolf with glowing green eyes and a tawny gold coat. She lifts a crystal ball on the table and purely for her own satisfaction and, from curiosity, divines your future for free. She can't stop laughing for the entire afternoon.
Meanwhile, as soon as you step outside of the tent you find yourself confronted with...
Written by Lupine (edited by wanderer)