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Human again! (but very wet)

Then suddenly Misil Silverman slumps down and falls unconscious. Behind him stands Thomas with a ray gun as well as a smug grin on his face. Your so foggy drifting...away... You see that he has the body of women of about 20 with long blond hair and big green eyes. <Just like Linda> You think. Even though you knew you might never see your sister Linda again you focus your mind on being human again so you can fix this mess, for her. You gasp for air as you climb out of the tank in human form. You look down at your self to make sure that your fully human. You are, thank god. "Come on we haven't got all day" Thomas said rather annoyed.

"Where is he, the octopus thing" you ask chasing after Thomas as he leaves the room through the door. "I can carry things in my watch, we just have to get to the shuttle bay since I can't contact our ship" He wispered as we hurried down the hallways. "But how did you-..." "Shhh! There is no time for questions" He hissed. The two you continue trough the endless hallways never seeing anyone or anything. Just white walls. You then see a door that seems slighly out of place among the endless white walls. "Shuttle bay here we come" mutters Thomas. You tense up in case there is somthing behind the the door. As the door cranks open slowly, you peek your head to see inside.

Written by Lexi

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