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You arrive at the gym and begin your work out, getting used to the fact that a lot of the equiptment is now too small for you and your load being above the weight limit of many machines. You make do though, doig curls, squats, and other exercizes. Strangely, you don't spot Albert or Fred about. You were sure that they would have shown up early for this. Maybe they'll show up later, not everyone goes to exercize early in the morning...
However, well into the afternoon, they're still not there, and your getting worried. Your quickly slimming down, your wolfy metabolism seems much faster then that of your hippo self, and in just a few hours, your starting to look more like a wolf then a ball. Your not sure, but you think maybe that the fact that your gain was magically induced may also be making it easier to lose, as it feels more like your deflating, your muscle mass isn't building, but the weight is coming off. You figure magic fat can't transmute into muscle, which is a shame, since Fred's old lupine frame was nothing compared to what you had as a hippo. Of course that just means you'll just have to work it up again, though it is a little discouraging to have all that way to go once more. By the end of the day, you've managed to slim down almost 70 percent of your original size, which leaves most of the gym members gawking at you in the tent like sweat suit you came in wearing, which now looks redicoulous on you. You forced to go in and switch out for some smaller gym cloths, as even the set you left at the gym was built for the muscluar hippo you, and is equally loose on you. Your left clad in a simple runners suit, your frame having become rather thin.
And Albert and Fred as still nowhere in sight. Your worried now. To miss a full day? Fred maybe, he hadn't even started here, but Albert? Never. You pull out your cell and call his number. It rings a few times before Albert picks up. "Hello?" he says. He sounds preoccupied. "Albert, where are you? I thought we were meeting at the gym?" There is the sound of shock talking in the background before Albert comes back on, "Crap, sorry, I completely forgot." he says, "You forgot? You never forget to work out!" you say in disbelief, "What's going on?" There is a few mermurs over the line, "Well, you won't really believe this... but..."
Written by an anonymous author
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