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You are carried up to a hut higher up in the village. It is pretty big, and looks preety old, several cages with colorful birds in them hang from the roof. The tigers open the door and carry you in befor tilting the pallet and proping it in place at the center of the room, allowing you to get a better look at your surroundings. The hut smells weird, and of several things your pretty sure you wouldn't want to be handling sit in clay pots, smelling of heavy mush. scrolls and parchments lay about, and several strange instrament, whose purpose you can only guess, litter the walls. "Come on, let's get out of here before he wakes out, you remember what happened to the last guy who lingered." Says the lead tiger. "Wait, what about me?" you say, though it falls on death ears.
You're left looking at your surroundings, though this quickly becomes tedious. "Hello?" you call, wondering if anyone was even home. Eventually you start dozing off despite your situation. "Takin a nap heh?" comes a voice by your ear, and you bolt awake suddenly aware of someone sitting on the pallet right by your shoulder. "Real big one they brought me this time." says the voice, before it pushes of and landin front of you prodding you in the stomach with a cane. "Now why would the spirits send one such as this?" You see that it's a old white tiger, his fur hanging of an wirery frame, tufts of it formed like a beard at his chin, though a number or runic symbols are stained into his fur.
"Excuse me?" you ask, "I think your mistaking me for someone else, I just got lost," you try to explain, but the old tiger merely laughs this off, "Fsssh, 'lost' he says," he mocks, "As if anyone is lost around here." Your getting a little irritated, "Look, I have soemwhere I need to be and..."
"Of course you do, but the where is where you want it, not where your needed, where if, spirits willing, you'd end up." Says the tiger cryptically. "What," you say, getting angry now. "Okay look, I don't go for this spiritual mumboo jumboo, jeust let me go so I can get out of here!" The Tiger looks taken aback, "Oh, mumboo jumboo is I?" he parrots, stroking his beard, "Maybe, a demonstration then?" he questions, looking around at his room. Chuckling, he rushes off out of your view. When he returns he has in his hand...
Written by an anonymous author
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