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The old tiger returns with a bucker and sets it down in front of you. You can see that it is filled with what you assume is water. "What, your going to 'drown me?" you say in disbelief. "Oh no, why would I do that?' says the Tiger, grinning, as he holds the doll over it and drops it in. As it hits the surface, you see it skip to a halt before sinking in slowly, the liquid apparently thicker then water. As it sinks mostly below the surface, you don't really feel anything. "See, told you," you say smugly. "Oh, give it a minute." says the Tiger, looking amused.
Then you feel something, a strange sensation starting in your legs and flowing upwards. It's an almost oily sensation as if something were being poured over you which begins to permiate your skin, as if it were seeping in. "What the heck is..." you start to say, and feel your cheeks wobble a bit more then your used too. You look down at your stomach and see that it seems to be buldging outwards, looking at your arms, you see that they are swelling up as well. "WHAT'S HAPPENING!" you cry out in panic, "Oh, just a nice warm bucket of animal lard." says the tiger calmly, "just the right temperature to seep into a sack doll." You look at him in shock, as you feel yout butt push off the pallet a bit more as it expands as more fat seeps into it. "STOP IT!" you cry out, horrified that your once again being subjected to forced weight gain. Your shirt give a terrific 'RIIIP' as it fails against the flowing tide of your chest, which buldge out of it's constrainment to rest on your ballooning belly.
"Stop what?" says the tiger, "Magic doesn't exist remember, just a bunch of mumboo jumboo." he laughs, "Or is it just 'Jumbo' now?" he adds, taking his cane and batting your belly, which wobbles and shakes like jello as it reaches lower and lower. Another tear comes from your legs as your shorts split down the sides and the rear. "OKAY, OKAY, I BELIEVE!" you cry out, desperate to stop this. "That's better," says the tiger, reaching into the bucket and pulling out the lard soked doll. The swelling doesn't stop though, as the residual lard on the doll continues to seep in. Youfeel a sudden snap from your wrists, and suddenly you slide down the pallet as your restrains give under your weight. Your body plops down with a heavy meaty sound, leaving you wobbling uncontrolably for a good minute as you finally stop growing.
"Change me back!" you cry, wobbling your arms uselessly against the rolls of fat that make up your chest. "Well I would," says the tiger, "But you know how hard it is to get cooled fat out of a doll without destoying it right?" You let out a anguished cry. Why do people keep doing this to you?
Written by an anonymous author
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