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You groggily wake up Friday morning, lethargic from the heavy gorging last night. You of course notice the sligly more heavy feeling about you, looking over yourself you see you've gained a little weight. Only to be expected after five whole pizzas. You go the the closet to find some clothing, and find, as expected, your new clothing doesn't fit you, skin tight with buttons that refuse to button up against your stomach without looking like a strait jacket. Unfortunatly, you don't have anything else to wear, your extremes of weight gain and loss have left you with two types of clothing, regular and elephantine, it doesn't really have anything inbetween for a sudden but not so drastic change. So you have no choice but to wear what you can, hoping to stop by the clothing store on your way home.
The real problem comes when you try to get your uniform on at work, the fabric simply won't stretch far enough. "Uh oh," says Greg when he see's you on the ground wrestling with the buttons af it it were a mexican cage fighter, "Look's like all that pizza is finally catching up with you." he says, "Hold on a sec, I got just the thing..." he says, going to the employee bathroom and coming out with an arasol can. "This should do the trick," he says, spraying you down with the stuff.
Immediatly you feel a release of tightness, and look down as you see the uniform fabric stretching easily to allow you to button it properly. "What is that stuff?" you ask, wishing that you had had some this morning. "Spray on stretch," he says, "patent pending, something I developed when I started having 'weighty' issues of my own. Makes anything elastic, at least until you wash it out." You really impressed by this, apparently the cook is a lot sparter then you gave him credit for. "Do you think I can borrow some?" you say, thinking you could probably save a trip to the clothing store. "Sure, just don't go trying to steal the copyright, I do know where you live." he says jokingly, tossing you the can.
At the end of your shift, Greg comes up with three extra pizza boxes. "I think I'm starting to get the hang of portion control so, just three today." he says, offering you the boxes. "Um, I think I lay off... cut down... not eat as much pizza," you say trying hard to resist the temptation of grabing all three and taking off. "That's fine," says Greg, taking one, "I should probably offer some to Bobby anyway." he says, mentioning the delivery boy. "You're going to see your friend tonight, right? Give him one and you keep the other." he says, handing you the remaining two.
You change, applying the spray on stretch to your regular clothing, which releases it's death grip and let's you look a lot less like you've swallowed a watermelon, and then head on over to Freds with the two Pizza's in tow.
Written by an anonymous author
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