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Big Surprise

Over the next two days, you dedicate yourself to the gym doing your best to work off your recent pizza bindges with so sweat and effort. However, it seems that the new gym you are attending doesn't proffer exactly the same type of results that you had experianced at the Jungle Gym. While there you had been able to work off a normally unrealistic amount of weight almost instantly, here it seems, your efforts are reduced to considerable more average results. Despite spending most of saturday and sunday working out, you leave the gym with sore muscles, sweaty cloths, and the same buldge around the middle you earned before hand. You begin to think that there is more to the Jungle Gym then meets the eye, possibly some other reason for the drastic transformations of it's tenants then simple matabolism.

Fortunatly though, you don't have to go out and buy new clothing, not with Greg's spray on stretch, which allows you to go out without feeling self concious or looking like you're popping out of your jeans. You figure whatever the reason your not getting the same results from your new gym as you were with Albert, you'll eventually get to where you want if you keep at it, you don't need Albert to do this, and he still owes you an apology.

Throughout the next week, you keep up the routine, working out after your shift. Greg's end of day extra pizzas cut down to where you only are taking one home at most every other day, though you fail to resist devouring the entire thing any time you do get one, thoroughly addicted. Your constant regime seems to be able to maintain this though, even if you've formed a bit of pudge around the middle, your begining to get some muscle tone in your arms and legs.

On friday near the end of the day, Greg comes to you with a request. "Bobby's taken off a bit early, do you think you can do me a fave and deliver this order for me?" he asks, handing you a couple of isulated boxes. At first you think it's a few orders, but then your relize he said order, as in one. "Wow, must be a party," you say, counting a good many pizzas that must be contained within. "Sure, no problem." you say, figuring it was no big deal.

You follow the directions, eventually getting to the house on the address. Strangely, you only see one car in the driveway... well, net exactly a car, something that big would be considered more along the lines of a monster truck. Maybe they carpooled? You ring the doorbell after you've stacked the pizza's on the doorstep. You feel a thumping vibration in the ground that grows in intensity, you have to steapy the stack of pizzas to prevent them toppling before the door openes and you are met with a wall of scaly plates.

You have to ajust your perpective a bit, as you realize your looking at the belly of a ridicoulously overgrown Ailgator. The scales of it's belly are stretch out so far they seem ready to seperate from one another, easily looking to be wider then the reptile is tall. His face and neck are smothered in buldging rings and your pretty sure he isn't wearing any clothing, though his dimensions are so large your not sure if they are simply hidden by the folds of fat encompasing his body.

"Let's see, that'll be..." you start, going over the price. "Yeah yeah," comes a muffled voice, as the enormous creature shoves a wad of cash into your hand, greedily scooping up the pizza boxes, opening the first one instantly and begining to devour it. "Keep the change," he says, turning and slamming the door shut with his tail, his body sloshing as his figure wobbles like jello.

You walk back out to you car, feeling like the guy was rude, though you got a pretty good tip. You can't help but feel the guy sounded little familiar. You drive home, though the feeling persists, a nagging feeling in the back of your head, it's only after you finish your work out and are heading to bed when it finally hit's you. You sit up in bed, the sudden recognition hitting you like a ton of bricks, or in this case a ton of aligator. That was Albert!

Written by an anonymous author

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