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Your mouth waters at the sight, all that pizza just for you. Inwardly, you scream, forcing yourself to look away. The door! Go for the door! You turn, trying to take a few steps, but by the time you manage one, your turning back towards the pile, drawn as if it had a gravity all it's own. It's no good, you can't escape it's pull! You try to focus, putting all your strength into keeping yourself from diving into it, once you do it's all over! You can't run, your sure of it, but mabe, there is something else you can do. You grab the side of the counter, even as your feet try to take you closer to certian engorgement, and you use it to keep your eyes off the pile and pull yourself away and around, working your way towards Greg's work space. You fling open the cubboards, looking over what he had been working with.
The smell of the pizza causes your mouth to water, you have to hurry before your will breaks. You search the ingrediants... pepparoni, salt, spices, flour, looking over what you saw him reacing for while he was working. He said he put ten times the dose in the pizza, so you look for the can he was reaching for a lot. You find it, bringing it down and looking in it, seeing what looks like ordinary salt in it, however, the salt is labeled in another cabinet, so this could be it. You have to dump it! You move to the sink, all but flining the can upright into it as you turn on the faucet, causing the content to run down the drain in a slurry. You then force yourself back to the pantry, opening it and filling the can with from the salt bag. You can't have Greg suspecting anything when he get's back.
Willpower fading fast, you manage to get back, push the can back in place and close the cubboards. Finally your self control snaps like a dry twig, and you turn and pounce on the pile, scooping the pizzas one by one into your mouth like it was air. smearing your face with tomato sauce and cheese, chowing down of pepporoni and peppers, your quickly lost in your gluttonous display, you can only hope that you managed to make some difference, because after this, you doubt you'll even have the mobility to try something else...
Written by an anonymous author
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