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Two Scouts are Better than One

"It's probably safer in the sky than here on the ground, so I'll think I will use the same species. With two pairs of eyes in the sky, I might be able to find clues that you might have overlooked, or vice-versa," Thomas said. You nod your head in agreement,taking care not to accidentaly spear anything - or anyone - with your sharp beak. You back up towards the wall to give Van Goys plenty of space to shapeshift.

Nothing happens at first, but after a few moments you notice his fur receding into his body, changing in structure and thickness. Instead of fur, he now has a coat of pycnofibers similar to your own. The skin beneath changes as well, turning from the soft flesh of a mammal to the tiny, smooth, almost leathery scales of a pteranodon. The former squirrel's limbs elongate as his body grows in size, filling out to the appropriate size for his new species. His forelegs change into long, leathery wings while a small membrane forms between his legs and his now furless stub of a tail. At the same time, his snout pulls forward and narrows, hardening into a long, up-curved beak. A large, bony crest forms near the back of his head, pointing backwards at a thirty-degree angle. His eyes are one of the last parts to change, growing larger as their irises turn golden.

Van Goys' pteranodon form is slightly smaller than your own. His coloration is also much simpler, devoid of any stripes or spots. His back is a virtually uniform grey, with a tinge of brown along the ridges of his wings, while his underside was a flat whitish-grey. His beak is similar in color to yours, but darker.

With your forms chosen. the pair of you are ready to leave the ship and begin the mission - but you still have no idea what to look for. What could be happening in this era that is preventing the evolution of humans? You ask Van Goys about the mission. He replies...

Written by Pearson S. Ksenich

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