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Big wake surprise...

You wake up the next morning feeling hungry, only fitting considering what you ate last night. You roll to get up and feel resistance of your body as it flows slowly over the edge of the mattress. Then you try to rise, only to find resistance from this lower angle, you wiggle around, trying to roll over and get to your feet. You feel even more resistance then usual. You try to rub the sleep from your eyes to try to focus more, but feel something soft in the way. You eyes shoot open, and you see a rolling mound of fur in the corner of your eye. You feel it, finding a huge rounded cheek on both sides of your face, and as you try to reach around it, you feel a squeezing tug at your arm you try turning your head, feeling pressure between your head and neck as you realize there is a huge tire of flab that wasn't there before. And it's not the only one, your arms look stubby with huge bulges of flab surrounding them, making it difficult to bend them. You can only assume it is the same for your legs, but your can't see them past the ocean of fur. You can barely bend your neck down far enough to see down your flabby chest, only to see the curve of your belly past that. You struggle to your feet, having to push against your flab just to find some purchase, as anything else seems out of reach, causing you a lot of discomfort as you pinch and stretch yourself try to shift your weight. Even when your on your feet, you can feel yourself sagging to the ground, your arms resting upon huge mounds of flab, that only make them seem to bulge out even more. You take a step forward, and feel your stomach bounce against the bedroom floor. How much weight did you gain overnight?

You go to the door and try to squeeze through. Your stomach flows through, but you barely get half of it through before you feel resistance of your body. Even leaning forward, you only manage to get your arms through before your unable to pull yourself any further, even when pushing on both sides of the door frame. Finally you roll back, landing yon your butt with a slight sound of a wet water balloon. What happened? You were dieting, you didn't have any pizza, how did you get so big? Whatever it is, your stuck, your too big to even get out of your room!

Written by an anonymous author

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