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Realizations and hidden spaces

You think about this, no way it's safe if Rick can find you, you need someplace safe he can't get to. He has the keys of the house, so bedrooms won't work. Maybe there is someplace you can hide that will be safe though. You move to the stairs, scaling them slowly as you fight against the push of your stomach. you reach for the banister, feeling it hit your side first, finding your arms being pushed upwards by the rolls of flab making up your chest and sides. You wonder how you look in comparison to your photo now.

Wait... suddenly you remember something... the second photo. You took two photos of yourself... but you only reversed one of them! You never even checked the garden to see if it had any effect, so there is a possibility that it did work, but you have a second one now affecting you. STUPID! Well, it's too late to go back now, though it's strange you suddenly remembering it now.

Gritting your teeth in frustration, you force flab down to grab the railing, and ascend to the second level, looking for potential hiding spots. The beds look inviting, but you pass them by, and spy the hatch for the attic. That may work.

You pull the string, and a huge iron ladder descends on springs, built to withstand heavy weight. You climb slowly, having trouble as your stomach gets in the way, dragging against the front of the ladder as you struggle to pull your bulk up. Finally though you reach the top, and pull the ladder up, panting heavily from the effort. You search around, and find boxes and boxes of canned supplies. Rick was prepared to wait a long time to recondition you. You move to a back corner after finding some linens, pile boxes up to create a hiding spot, then collapse, your exhaustion finally taking you over...

Written by an anonymous author

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