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Back home... or so

"No discussion, I'm a poor, helpless girl, and I demand that you stay with me as I take THIS door"

After making herself clear, and being such a inocent, helpless girl, she shoves you through the door entitled "Home", and you pass out for a short while.

You awake with a strong desire to take your head of, as you have the headache from hell

"Damn, where in the hell am I?"

"You're at my place", Margaret responds: "Isn't that funny? After a day of only bad luck, I finally have the opportunity to let of some steam"

As your eyes are getting clearer, you notice that a short time of unconciousness was enough for her to tie you to her bed with some of her socks. After a short struggle, you realize that she'll be able to do everything she wants... and you have a rough idea what she'll do to you...

Written by Matt86

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