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After you and Scott are done gearing up, Zee give you your tickets. "Good luck, Boys" Zee says as the two of you walk out of Zee's house. "Ummm... Jake?" Scott says after you both are outside. "Yeah Scott?" "Did you see the departure time of our plane?" Scott asked. "No, why do ya ask?" you reply. "Because, the time it says on the ticket is 10:15. What time is it now?" You look at your wacth and notice it says it's 9:30 "We better get moving." you said. The two of get on your bike and speed away.
You race to the airport so you DON'T miss the plane. doging traffic, police units, people, going off ramps, ect., but when you do get to the airport you have only 15 minitues to get to the gate. "Okey." you say to Scott. "People should be getting on now. We have 15 minitues to find and get abo-" "Found it" Scott says cutting you off. you look at the gate. It says "Gate 22 flight 296 bound for Tokyo, Japan". "Thats werid," Scott said, "I thoght we were going to London, England." You look at Scott's ticket and see that he coved the other number (Before the 2) by his thumb. You push his thumb aside and see that it's really Gate 122. That all the on the other side of the airport.
"Jake, hurry the monarail is about go" Scott says as you run as fast as possable, but then the doors start to close. In order to make you dive in.when inside you roll and hitt your head on the other side of the car. Scott laughs like crazy. "Ha Ha. Very funny." you says to him. " Keep laughing because, in about two seconds, I'm going to shut you up the hard way!" Whan you arive at end of the monarail you have three problems 1:your at Gate 100. 2:you have 4 minitues till your plane take flight. And 3:That crazy reporter ( Miss Cree Blaker) who all tries to get an interveiw from you is at Gate 103.
"Scott I'm going to active my jetpack," you say to scott. "Wait if yo-" "Scott jump on my back NOW!!!" you yell. he get on your back. "Jetpack" you yell. your voice actived jetpack turns on and you fly to Gate 122. "Jake?" Scott said. "Yeah?" you answered. "If you had a jetpack why didn't you use it to get us to the airport faster or to London?" "Because," You start explain to Scott. "I didn't have enough jucie to fly us here, let alone london." you two make it to the gate and borad it with a minitue to spare. The plane takes off and soon your soaring trouht the sky. "Whach out, Hex here we come."
Written by Jake Bond
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