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Eyes closed, mind in a whirl of thinking, wanting, pleading to the powers that be, wishing that if you must become different of body, it should do as you ask.
A cold shiver runs down your backbone. You shudder from head to foot, feeling a cold touch.
Anxious over what you got yourself into, your breath comes quicker, short breaths, the sweat rising from your skin, and with all this there seems to be a sense of arousal.
This odd response is enough for your to stop wishing for mythical enhancements. Your eyes flash open, seeing before you something that just should not be there.
Reaching your hands out to grasp this marvelous new thing of personal pleasure, it is seeing one's hands that demands your attention.
Fingers now longer, and fingernails turned black, grown out in small cubes of hard and solid nail.
A fine growth of hair covering the hands spreads up the forearms, to your upper arms. Seeing it causes some personal horror, thinking that it was really beginning.
Your clothing is fast hindering your ability to see what you're feeling... and if it be true, then you want to know!
Anxious hands try to remove the shirt, but those hooflet fingernails make buttons pure insanity.
Soon it is too much, and you actually rip the shirt off your body. A scramble to remove the T-shirt brings proof of the human will to survive.
You are a mature human, one of middle age, yet upon seeing your chest, it is covered in hard muscle, the sight almost too much to bear. Eyeing it renews the sensation of that thing down low, standing rigid at the beck and call of your most personal needs.
As you take deep breaths, the chest muscles expand, grow, and bulge. You are looking like some body builder, almost as if back in your thirties.
A satisfied smile comes over your disturbed face, thoughts of lust and passion entering into your previously moral mind. Tickled by what you see and feel, you let go your desire to remain totally human.
Suddenly you're completely free to move and walk.
Moving is a charm to istelf as strong muscles jump, making you smile and feel extra handsome.
Walking in a circle, your thoughts seem to become muddled, and you think it's time to close your eyes and wish you even more of this miracle to happen.
Feet spread wide apart for an extra sound stance, you close your eyes, clench those hoofed fingers into tightly gripped fists. A deep breath in, holding it almost until you begin to turn blue, and you say out loud, "If I could only become like Pan, look like Pan, and become physically more like a goat!"
Instantly there comes a breeze, then it turns to a wind, the feel of being one with nature, wild desires coming to mind. Thinking turns from rational thoughts to patterns of learned behavior. From inside your gut come thoughts welling into a changing mind. Desire and passion mix, turning to thoughts of male dominance, conquests, and the mad sex of the rut.
It builds and builds, becoming an insatiable need, an uncontrolled desire to be out in the sunshine. A want, if not a lust to feel your maleness being thrilled and delighted, all driving you to accept something wondrous.
Your name, you heard someone call out your name; the thought of hearing it frightens you.
Eyes pop open, you're back to reality... but wait; even turning to look for who spoke your name reminds you that things have changed.
Indeed they have and you with them, your hands, the hairy arms; you sport a goatee of straight long hairs. Peering down, you see yet what stuck out and brought on the passion for you to become as Pan. It stands at ready, but looking down the thing has moved up your abdomen, jutting out of a hairy pouch, set just below your navel.
To touch it brings on the wild side of this new you.
Feeling ever so much more agile and alive, it is taking a step or two that brings your fantasy dream into the light of day.
"Oh great God above!" you exclaim, horrified at seeing your legs and feet.
"This is not what I wanted!" you mutter to yourself.
Yet you think about it; it's what you asked for, to become as Pan but adding, the thought of becoming more like a goat.
Seeing it gives basis to the reality, your thighs,legs, and feet are now those of some large breed, of a very male goat! The toes have changed, becoming as cloven hooves, all reminding you that you're being sought after, and maybe it's time to run for a thicket, and hide.
Run you do but the feeling of yourself having become part goat, the sensation of being agile and nimble a foot, thrills you.
A graceful leap from the open into a clump of honeysuckle gives cover from peering eyes.
Scared of being found, you peek out of the bushes.
Andy and Beth Ann come down the path, looking for you.
Trying to become calm, you're still breathing like a racehorse. It is then you spy what your friends see as well; on the path lies a heap of clothing. It is your torn clothing, shoes, socks, underwear, all that you needed to have on your body to be a human in society.
Andy kneels down, poking through your clothing until he finds your wallet. He shows it to Beth Ann, they talk and wonder out loud; you can hear them remarkably well.
The sweet smell of the honeysuckle is drifting into your nose. You sniff it and have now a deeper respect for nature. The scent is so wonderful you drink in larger and bigger breaths, sampling the delight of being yourself now a true part of nature in the wild.
The sensation of feeling so giddy is not shared by all in nature.
Ever so thrilled, feeling happy and as much also sensual standing unclothed as you are now, it is the buzzing sound of bumblebees gathering the nectar from the honeysuckle blossoms that starts you from your reverie; they see you as a threat to their livelihood.
As yet you have not taken into account your rear end, you having a goat's short stub tail that leaves your poor posterior out in the light of day.
A wiggle of your tail is all the bumblebee needed, and she lights on your tail. The bee is not satisfied by the boney and hairy tail, she walks down its length, coming ever so close to something that is quite sensitive to the touch.
The bee finally decides she doesn't want you anywhere near the flowers, and plants her little stinger... where you might not think it at all proper.
The sting makes you yelp like a puppy getting stepped on, loud enough for your friends to spot someone standing in the bushes; they begin to walk your way.
Written by Kevin Rooste (edited by wanderer)
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)