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"Alright," you say, "I'll be a dragon. But what kind of dragon?"
"From what we've seen, it's a weredragon." Zee tells you, "You will be able to choose between human, hybrid, or full dragon, except on the full moon. Then you'll be forced to become a dragon. Scott, however, will not gain enough potion to be more than one species. Either he stays human or he becomes a dragon, forever."
Scott looked both excited and afraid, a dragon...forever! He wasn't even going to be a big dragon, not much larger than he was now. What was he going to do?
"Scott..." you start.
"I'll do it," he says, "I think I'll be happier that way."
"Now you're sure about this?" Zee asks him, "Once you do this, you can never go back."
"Let's do it," Scott says, "I've got Jake with me to protect me. I could be his sidekick. His...pet, I suppose."
You couldn't believe what Scott was saying. He was willing to sacrifice his humanity for you! You make a note in your head to make his years as a dragon the best ever.
"Very well, if you'll follow me please." Zee beckons for you both to follow her. As you walk down the hallways, you see rooms where other people are undergoing similar transformations. 'They all look so happy.' You think to yourself, wondering if you and/or Scott will be that happy, too.
"In here, please." Zee directs you into a very spacious room, most likely for your size after you change.
"Who were those other people?" you ask Zee.
"Oh, they volunteered to be transformed. Don't worry about them, they won't be harmed at all. So here is your potion," she hands you a drink, "and Scott, here's yours. I'm sorry that we couldn't get enough for you both."
"It's alright," Scott says, "I want to be a dragon. It'll be fun!"
"Such a brave young boy." She whispers and walks out of the room, tears forming in her eyes.
"Well, here we go," you say to Scott, "Cheers!"
You both drink your potions, which go down fairly easily. You wait patiently for the drink to have its effects. You then notice Scott starting to get dizzy. You watch him as you see his skin change from pink human flesh to rusty copper colored scales. His feet started changing and three talons burst out of each of his shoes. Another talon emerged from the back of his heel while his thigh muscles changed, forcing him to land on all fours. The changes kept reaching further up to his head, but not before a long 4-foot tail crept out of his backside. His arms and hands changed to become three-clawed talons, while his arms changed to make him a permanent quadruped.
'Poor Scott,' you think, 'He won't be able to walk on two legs ever again.'
However, the changes were not done on him. His neck lengthened out another 3-4 feet and his head reshaped into a long dragon's muzzle. Horns curved out of his forehaed, and short, sharp little protrusions poked out from the back of his head down to the tip of his tail, which had several long spikes at the end, probably to be used as a weapon. When the changes were complete, Scott was a 7-foot tall wingless dragon.
"Scott? How do you feel?" you ask him. All Scott does is roar back. You don't understand what he's saying. He must have lost his voice somehow! But that's the least of your worries as you feel the changes starting up in your body. It doesn't exactly hurt as much as it does feel awkward. You see your skin change to a dark, dusky greenish-brown and split into scales. Like Scott, the changes start at your feet, and you can feel your toes fusing and lengthening as well. Soon, you see you feet bursting out of your shoes, but you seem to have four toes and the spur while Scott only has three toes.
Scott watches you with curiosity as the rest of the changes occur in your body. Your leg muscles don't make you a quadruped, but you do fall over to support the weight and height that you suddenly gained. You must be about 20 feet tall and probably weigh a ton! You feel a pressure on your backside and, sure enough, your tail pops out, it doesn't look as lethal as Scott's but, then again, you don't have to really worry about larger predators. Your arms become ripped with muscles as your hands become claws, again, with four fingers instead of three like Scott. When the changes reach your neck, you feel it growing out about 8-9 feet while your head starts feeling extreme discomfort. Your nose and mouth fuse into a muzzle as it shoots out from your face. You close your eyes, trying to bear the pain, and when you open them again, you see a world of new colors since your eyes have become those of a reptiles.
Horns burst their way out of your forehead and curl behind you. Your mouth changes as your once, human teeth fall out and newer, sharper fangs emerge, along with a forked tongue to accompany them. You then feel the final parts of the transformation take place as you feel the spikes sprout along your spine, just like Scott, but these ones are longer, sharper, more useful. The last thing to occur is the sprouting of your wings. The burst out and extend full length before folding to the sides of your body. You let out a triumphant roar as the changes are finished.
"Master!" you hear a tiny rumbling. You look down and see the dragon that was Scott looking up at you expectantly. Not only do you now understand him, but it looks like Scott really has become your pet.
Written by eddiehaskell
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)