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You quickly take off your old clothes - the pants fit reasonably well, and the shoes are the right size, but your shirt is ridiculously restrictive - and it'd be best to match, right? You look at your face for the first time in a floor-length mirror - a beautiful face. Your eyes are large, deep, and silver - they evince both innocence and intelligence. You're slightly taller - you weren't exactly small to begin with, but now you can justifiably be called 'tall'. You lace up your boots - and then the door opens again.
"Ah, you're all ready, I see! Well, come along." It's the salon worker again.
"What for?" you ask. You suddenly realize your voice hasn't changed - you've changed outwardly, but INWARDLY - you've still got the same organs (except for.. the.. 'peeing implement'), the same guts, the same heart - and the same vocal chords. "Hey! My voice is still the same!!" you gasp, staring at the woman in outrage.
"That's part of what the second stage (which is where we're off to now) rectifies. Usually it's only needed for males who've won the treatment, but occasionally some paticularly 'butch' female may need it. Come along, now! So much to DO!" The lady grabs your wrist and pulls you along. You're soon trailing out of the Salon, and into the street, at which time she drops your wrist. She's reasonably young-ish, probably just out of college, so people assume she's your friend - and not a person transforming you, inwardly and outwardly, into a girl. A few people wave at you, obviously to try and boost their street cred, by pretending they know such a pretty girl. You say "Hi!" to one, but they gasp at your voice, and from then on you simply wave.
"Where are we going?" you ask the beauty salon worker in a whisper.
"Since so few people use this treatment - and we don't really have a lot of budget, to increase our Salon's size - we moved the second machine to a warehouse. It's not far." About ten minutes later, you arrive at a warehouse. The Salon worker pulls out a remote and clicks a red button, causing the door to slide open. You both go inside.
"Oh, wooow!" you gasp, utterly awestruck at what you see. The entire warehouse is taken up by an enormous metal gizmo - it's obviously a LOT more complex than the machine back at the Salon. You are ordered to stand upon a small metallic balcony-thing, which is lifted up at a command from the Salon worker.
"Um... What does this do, exactly?" you ask.
"FIRE!" replies the Salon worker. Suddenly, you feel that sensation again - but INWARDLY! You gasp to see awful fumes bursting from your mouth - black, thick smoke that smells like rotten eggs. You once again collapse.
"So, feeling better?" asks the Salon worker. You're in a seperate room - not in the warehouse, but not at the Salon, either.
"Where am I..?" you ask. This time, your voice is like the tinkling of silver bells - gentle and soft. To your surprise, you don't feel either shocked or aroused at this - it seems perfectly natural to you. The TRUE surprise is NOT feeling surprised at it.
"It's a nearby recuperation spot. All nearby Salons have to use this Machine, so we built a small hotel-type place to accomodate the people recovering. Lucky you live in this town, actually, otherwise you could have faced anything from a week to two years' waiting period. It's unpopular in this town... but in other places... " the woman shakes her head, grinning.
"So what did the machine do to me, apart from change my voice?" you ask, once again marvelling at that beautiful girlish voice, coming from YOUR vocal chords.
"It transformed your 'inner workings' - you now have all the female bits and bobs. All the necessary equipment to have children, for example, is now there. It also altered your vocal cords - as you know - and increased your body's estrogen flow, while decreasing your testosterone flow." She says this with relish, as if the thought of a man suddenly being dragged off the street and made a woman is most satisfying.
"And that means..?"
"Testosterone, basically, is what makes a man. It gives you bravery, complusivness, and sexual drive - it also stimulates the growth of hairs. estrogen is the exact opposite - it's what makes girls. estrogen governs such things as maternal instinct and, in early ages, stuff like feelings and tastes. It also causes you to... grow... y'know." She gestures at your breasts, seemingly embarrased." We had to perform that - otherwise the testosterone would have took over your body and made you back to normal. Or at the very least, a bearded lady." She snickers at the thought.
"Ew," you mutter.
"It hasn't kicked in just yet, but in another hour or so, you'll start thinking 'That guy is sooooo cute!' or 'Hey, I wonder what Brittany is doing right now?'," the woman smiles. "Well, since it's complete, I guess... I'll be seeing you!" She smiles and walks off, quickly.
"Wait!" you cry, but it's too late - she's already gone.
Written by KHAN (edited by wanderer)
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)