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You decide to continue, once it was you in this situation and you seem to have Turtelli’s favour at the moment. You feel it would be a wise idea not to lose it , plus looking at the girl in front of you cant resist the chance to tickle her again. You look at her , she has her head down and long blonde hair covers most of her face, but can see that she is breathing heavily, getting her breath back from your previous instalment. You gently grasp her left ankle , she makes an attempt to escape from her bounds, trying to sit up , she struggles for a few seconds before giving up and returning to her original position.
You tighten your grip around her ankle to remind her that you are here and her toes wiggle inside her sock. You clasp your hand around her foot and start to rub circles on the ball of her foot , the material of her sock moving with you thumb. This does not tickle her much but you continue to do it for a couple of minutes. “Hey you , please don’t tickle my feet, if you let me go I wont tell Turtelli, please please….” She whispers but sensing no chance in your motive she places her head back on the pillow of the chair and lets out a small whimper.
You caress her socked foot slowly following its contours before moving your hand to the tip of her sock. You grasp her toes within the sock and notice she lets out a small giggle before gently tugging on the tip of her sock. It gives quite easily and you feel the sock being pulling away from her ankle. Samm lets out a small scream and attempts to sit up in the chair as she realises what your doing “ No!, please don’t do that please don’t take off my sock please Please!” You stop and grin at her “Thank you” she whispers thinking you have decided against it. You slide your finger down her sole again before grasping her ankle once more. This time however you grasp her sock and begin to slowly roll it off her foot. “No please please Noooo” she screams as she sees what you are doing “Please stop please I wont tell Turtelli if you stop please don’t pleassssee” You feel her foot clench trying to prevent what is reality, She desperately struggles with her bonds sitting up in the hair trying to force them off but to no such avail. Her foot is moving from side to side attempting to escape what you are doing. You smile at this and simply place you other hand on her foot preventing her futile plan from getting in the way of your goal.
She slams her head back on the pillow of the chair “ No No No No” she whimpers as she feels the sock that once covered her foot being slowly removed. You roll the sock of until her heel is completely exposed, You smile and run a finger down it , it is soft and slighty warm. The skin is pale and there are no signs of calluses on her heel. Your fingers move around her ankle and u tickle the newly exposed skin and move up the back of her leg. She lets out a small “Hahaha” whilst you do this but it is not long before your fingers take hold of the sock again and begin to roll it off her foot , Samm whispering “please , please no nooo no , please stop” whilst desperately struggling with her bonds to attempt an escape or at least prevent you from accomplishing your task, As the sock is slowly removed you reveal her pale arches of her foot and by god their big.. You cant help but slide your fingers up and down her sole , your fingers sinking into the pale flesh. She screams as you do this “hahhahaha please stop please ill do anything please no please hahahah” You grin and continue the torture as you find it highly satisfying, You change and begin to stroke the right side of her foot moving your fingers up and down her the arch occasionally scrambling your fingers instead. You repeat this on the other side of her foot , You are enjoying this, Samm lets out more screams of laughter , you wonder how she is able to still able to do so she’s being laughting that hard. Her toes wiggling frantically in the remaining part of her covered foot.
You slide your hand across the top of her foot in a stroking action , Samm stops laughing and you can see from her face that she is enjoying this, You stop and take a mental note of this before your fingers turn to wiggling and dance down the top of her foot before light grasping the sock and continuing to roll it off her foot You stop as her ball of her foot is exposed you gaze at it for a second before holding her foot with one hand and scrambling your fingers across the newly exposed area. Samm screams and again begs you to stop but you just give her the same familiar grin you gave her before and look away from her gaze. You grasp her wiggling toes and with a quick tug you pluck the sock clean off her foot. You stare at her size 14 foot the skin is pale and looks as if it has been taken care of. Your finger reaches out to touch her sole but you stop yourself. Samm looks up slightly to see what is happening as the tickling has temporarily stopped . You grasp her foot in your hand plunging your thumb into the soft flesh and look at her toes that had been wiggling ever so much whilst in her sock. They are long but not to thin you stroke the tops of them with your other hand, before sliding a finger between each toe from the soles direction, Samm whimpers , you are still holding her foot firmly with your other hand every so often letting your thumb draw circles on her soft sole.
You hear the door opening and Turtelli walks back in, “Arr I see you are having fun , you would make an excellent apprentice , Here I have brought you some food and a drink, You must be hungry” Samm looks at him with whimpering eyes but he just looks away.. “ I see you have not finished the punishment” nodding towards your hand positions and her other foot still holding the sock . Samms toes wriggle amongst your fingers and you look at her. “Hmm” Says Turtelii as he bends down and picks up the sock that was once on her foot.” I’ll keep this” he states and puts it in his pocket “ I can see your enjoying yourself so ill leave you two a while longer” and with that he once more walks out of the door and closes it quietly behind him. You turn your gaze to Samm who looks at you whimpering “ Please don’t tickle me, please we can escape together please, I just want to go home….” What do you do?
Written by The Tickler
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