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Before you knew it. The door behind you burst open. A guard with a FN 9mm pistol in hand. When he saw you he raised the gun and took aim. Big mistake. You learned in Japan that in a situation like this taking aim could get you killed. Lukily you had a Koch 9mm MP5, your favorite assault rifle. You immedialty raised it firing, as the bullets tore into the flesh of the unluky guard, he started to open fire. The bullet hit you in the chest. Where you didn't want to find out. It felt like you got punched. You stopped firing and closed you eyes waiting for the bullet that would end your life. When you opened your eyes after a while, you saw the guard was dead. You couldn't feel any pain and that was bad. You knew before you died there was but one thing too do. You heard scuffling out in the hall. You went to the door to and looked out. There you saw an assasin's worse nightmare.Outside were 2 menn wearing full combat gear, including Kevlar vests, combat helmits with balclavas. They had a variety of weapons, a Sig 9mm was strapped to their thighs, one had a sawed off shotgun, which he could use to blow down doors. They both carried axes, knives,Maglites, and flashbang grenades. They both had assualt rifle but they were too far to identify them. They knew you were the target, and would kill you or die in the process. You knew you were already dead. From the bullet lodged in your chest and the two facts. You can't take them on and you would get shot on your way down. You knew you couldn't find a way out like in one of those spy movies. Intsead, you took out your radio tranmitter and bagan talking furiously."This is Delta One Three. i have been discovered, requesting immediate airstrike, you know the cordinates.
The message was instantly relayed to a nearby militaty airbase and in less than a minute later two Tornado Gr4 fighter jets were moving toward the runway.
You close your eyes and sit down in a nearby chair wating for the inevitable.Just then you pass out.
Written by NJ
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