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"Change Reality?" you ask. "Yes," says the brunette, "and just so the people reading know, my name is Isabella." "OK thanks," you say. Isabella types in a few commands on the remote which then creates a holographic face. "Hello Carli" says Isabella. the face is a very pretty girl wearing a necklace of black marbles and has blonde curls wi/lipstick. "Hi, Isabella". Unlike most computers, she doesn't speak in monotone, but the normal suprano voice of a chick. Isabella continues, "Activate plan codenamed Superstar." "Operation: Superstar activated." says Carli. Suddenly, Everything explodes in a flash of blue light. Carli laughs maniacally and Isabella smiles. You notice that you are now wearing a navy-blue short-sleeved shirt and dark-blue jeans. When the explosion stops, everything is black... ******* "Wake Up. Wake Up! WAKE UP!" someone claps right over your face. "Aaaah!" You scream when Isabella's face comes into view right over yours. Carli's full holographic body is in view now. she is in the corner of your very strange bedroom, laughing uproariously. Isabella is not happy. "That's enough Carli. Carli? Carli Turritin!" she stops laughing. Isabella sighs. "How many times must I repeat myself?!?" she sighs again. "Carli, you will not be needed right now, why don't you shut down, and shut up for a few minutes?" Grumbling, Carli dissapears. Isabella sits down on the chair Carli was pretending to sit on. "Good, now that phase 1 is complete, I must try and explain to you what is going on." says Isabella. "You have been transported into a life identical to your former life only you are Hilary Duff before she was famous as a 16 year old. I know that she was famous before that in "Casper and Wendy", but in this world, that girl is just someone who looks like you." she gets up and listens to the door. "Your parents get up every morning at 8:45, therefore you must get your own lunch money, get up on your own, and drive yourself to school, and you have to-" "Whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa, back up! How am I going to do all that stuff? If Hilary Duff, I, am not famous yet, how am I going to get all that money?" you ask. smiling, Isabella replies, "Who said Hilary Duff isn't rich?" puzzled, you say, "I thought you hated me!" "I just want a friend, and I am going to get one!" "I got your back." you say walking out the door. Lucky it's Sunday. You have tomorrow off because of Presidents Day. Time to go back to the mall! Back in your new room, Isabella smiles, "And my friend will be an all-around girl, mind and image." she says as she strokes the remote. "Carli, follow her! And please, no laughing." "Yes ma'am, says Carli as she dives into the computer. (To get to the digital world, to bring her to another computer in the mall to watch you).
Written by Shadow C. Oeste
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