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Your sensations of wild euphoria last but a short time; as with becoming an animal to all who see you, you are now property. Sold like a slave into poverty and labor, the banging of the auctioneer on his podium is a horrible sound that seals your future.
Halter on your head, a rein clipped to it, and your led to a waiting truck to join others; some maybe like yourself.
The thrill of transformation has dwindled into horrible realization of what you are, and of what you shall be, always!
Whinnies and braying worried individual animals stand shivering with fear and ment intrepidation for what shall become of them. Those like yourself that stand as Jack or Jenny jackasses seem the better for knowing your ultimate use.
The horses and ponies worry of likely being fed and fattened and sold for the weight of meat their body can produce. Some who are now as of the female gender, a few having changed genders, stand and ponder the sensations to come of being bred, mating, and giving birth.
All there do as would any real animal, they urinate often, raising tails and letting go the bowels; having then not a care as would any animal.
Stench of the trailer increases and assults your tender nose. The acrid smell turns you off, at first, but given some acclumation, you become more in tune with the scents, knowing fellow animals by smell, not names.
The ride seems to last an eternity. When the truck and trailer turn into a tree lined lane you have wonderful hopes of an easy life.
Hopes are dashed when the men come and take away only horses and ponies. They leave you and several others to continue the journey.
Happy ponies and thrilled stallion walk and prance eagerly along to join their new herds. Those that be fully male are aroused and gain each an erection worthy of that powerful moment. Those that be mares sniff the breeze, smelling aroused stallions, they then get excited and urinate.
The air is ablaze with rank scents of aroused male and female horses, as several donkey types wonder what they shall soon know as their new way of life.
Anyone so changed tends to think a lot, wondering, and seriously pondering their life to come. When you are young the word death means little, it is a vague thing that happens to those older, they having lived their lives and should then give way to you and others.
The thought and finality of death never really sinks in until it hits close to home. Then one considers it, and being as a virile Jack donkey the fear of death comes at the hands of men who slaughter useless and old animals.
Decidedly, one wants to be the best and better donkey possible!
Being a Jack means you might have more than the use of your powerful muscles, as the sensation brings on an aroused erection that tries your remaining powers of thinking rationally.
Wanting to be the best you can, to show your excellent worth, is at best the same manner of thinking that prevailed those who came there before. They too wanted to prove and show their abilities to satisfy; yet all, nary a one ever died in harness, but went to the house of fear.
Anyway, your there, standing naked to the real world, and anyone looking at you would see nothing more than what you are, a Donkey!
Written by Tepidation of Self
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