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As you look about, you find that the only thing that fits you without almost falling off or tearing is a horse costume. Deciding it's better than nothing you put it on yourself. Instantly you feel... odd. you look at the costume and see it is sprouting fur. You try to take it off, but it has become fused to your body, plus the zipper has dissapeared. Then you hit your head on the ceiling. you look down and notice that any trace of the costume is gone, you have grown three feet, some how your genitals have come throgh the suit, and your fingers and toes are becoming one toe on each foot and hand. Suddenly the nail on the single toes grew at an alarming rate and when finished, darkend and formed hooves. Suddenly, a pain in your rear forces you to turn your head, which is easier on account of your long neck, to look and see a tail thickening from the point the fake tail was on the costume and the long hair turns into your own real tail hair. Then you stumble because your feet seem to be forcing you to stand on your two toesand you decide that it would be best to get on all fours so you don't fall over, and find that it's more comfortable that way. Suddenly your vision begins to split as your head sweals forward. Your eyes grow and change color from a light blue to a dark brown and your ears on the side of your head disapear and the ones on the suit become yours and you feel your tounge get longer and your canine teeth flaten. you look about and notice that the joints in what used to be your arm have reversed. Your body gets larger as it fills with muscle and finaly the transformation is finished when you feel your insides stop changing, a flap of skin grows above and around your manhood and holds up your genatals, and vomit a costume of yourself out onto the floor. You see it and try to get into it, only causing it to be torn to shreads. You are officialy stuck as a horse. You find two doors, the one you came through, and one marked "TALOR". Because you can't turn door knobs you'll have to kick it down, which should be easy, or you can try to put on some of the larger costumes.
Written by Alphabits
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)