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Selfish is the mind of a bull, it dwells on things of domination. It demands loyalty from the herd and his harem of hefty cows, it is they to whom his domination he harshly reminds them, mounting and giving of his loins.
Then too, he wants for domination of the entire pasture, that which for some span and space of time he is ruler of and the royalty.
Dare anyone come to his chosen place of dwelling and any or all would come under attack.
So went the span of time, a young life changed as was his own body. Time, the one great enemy of all living things began to take its toll as with the many days became as months, these ran the cycle to a year and then helped to mature one as a bull to increased mass and precarious bulk.
Mind and memories stand as a grim reminder that being as and living like do animals will let live that which is but the true animal. Beastly ways turn to a bestial lifestyle, and this in its turn degrades and removes all links to what was once a happy and foolish person.
The fated day comes and he stands watching as many of his chosen herd are routed into a corral, and then to waiting trucks to carry them to a horrible doom.
Young cows ball seeing their mothers and friends taken away from them. They all stand like statues witnessing the separation and somehow know the horrors to come by them all.
A bull stands vigil, there to give of himself, guiding the young and giving too those feeling the onslaught of dire need, instinctive wants, and that rank lust for breeding as do cattle.
Horror wanes as sensuality overcomes the apprehensive feelings of that terrible day of separation. As for the bull it took only four times of showing his blessings and male domination for him to forget those gone. His mighty shaft will in the days that followed the separation, became heated by the friction of it passing threw, around and into many weathered, leathery lips.
Slowly with age comes a renewed awareness of self and what was once.
Like instant replays the flashback of memories, friends and faces, of those known as folks, all seem to be things once cherished.
It is a vivid reminder when with a warm soapy bathing by the farm owner as he prepared his best bull for showing at the county fair; the flashbacks come with longer and more vivid recall.
Emotion is rare in bulls, and the farmer denotes that it seems as if his prize bull stood crying as he had his yearly bath.
The ride to the fair reminds the bull of those taken from him by the same means and from this he becomes agitated, angry, and rocks the truck as he jousts his head against the slats; as if they were his real enemy.
Some fuss but in due time the bull stands in a small corral, the ground covered over with a thick layer of sawdust. He stands with a sense of just indignation toward all the come past him, gawking, as other point, and girls seeing his naked bestial gentiles they laugh and scoff wishing in their foolish way to somehow know what it is to feel such passion during their lifetime.
Bellowing and acting frantic the bull feels a sharp jabbing pain in his flank, a sedative to help keep this massive muscular monster in some since of control; this all happening when someone passing he recognized as was his real mother.
Sad it the realization she did not know this was indeed her son, the big bull whines and whimpers, wanting her to know he was yet alive.
Vainly, he tries to keep her in sight, only to see another, someone he once knew and called as a brother.
Roaring bellowing of such a massive beast causes many to flee the 4-H exhibit. Yet, to one deemed and damned as being a bull, he has the want and need to make his presence known.
Again, time passes and heals all wounds, a bull forgets most everything quite quickly. The evening comes and the stables and barns set filled with hot and idle animals waiting for the coming of morning, some food, and those strange two legged animals to come and visit or pet.
To forget his past would be a blessing, but one as a bull finds as a reminder the return of three woe some young women, each with her own desire to touch, pet, and know the raw sensation that is but part of being a bovine cow.
Hours pass, and in the dank hot dark night the romp of one so endowed with a mighty self finds itself aroused and given to all strange sorts of what humans call as debauchery.
A bull knows of being easily aroused, but these women are doing something to him that cows never do, even if they had the ability.
Something passes between them in the night, as if the life changing potion that brought one so young and foolish to be as a bull waxed and melted in the heat generated by three so passionate.
The crowing of a rooster awakens one who the night before tried to sleep but stood the night awake. He opens his eyes to discover something delightful but still unthinkable and a reminder of his possible damnation.
There, lying two near the steel bars that hem a bull to stand and let people gawk, were two women, but no longer were they completely human. As from their play and sensual frolic of the night, the spellbinding potion filled their bodies with change.
Somehow the bull understood that of what he gave so often and freely to his cows was meant for cows only. He then gave of his loins to these women, and with his tainted seed came the potion which made and kept him as a bull.
He eyed around him, taking note the the other woman lay then sprawled across his rounded belly. She was the last to enjoy his attentions, and likely by remaining so very attached as they slept, her from was mostly that of a young cow.
A scramble of legs and then human arms and real workable usable hands brought what was three years hence a young male human to stand again uprightly and ready to face his world.
Even as he stood eying himself and marveling at what magic could make happen; three young women awoke and began taking inventory on how they were to live, each becoming then as a sister and cow of the same breed.
Written by T.K. Rustin
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