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Your male ass self falls into a daily regimen, but with this comes as well the note by the farm owner of how an Ass can gain some sense of integrity.
Working and straining to pull and tote your part grants you an added privilege, one you never expected, but discovered it as something brutally desirable. After a day of hard work though tired and muscles aching, the farmer comes and taking hold of a rope, clips it to your halter and leads you to a new job.
Not understanding, you balk, and try your utmost to turn away and wander back to the stall and some munching of hay in your manger.
Suddenly, from before you comes this wafting scent of something to urge on a personal need, a lusty desire, a passion, and from this comes the unfolding of a Asinine sheath. This is not something unknown to you, as the male organ that resides under you is something you often toy with, making it work until spewing forth a load or loads of white spunk.
Now then, the maleness comes alive, pushing outward, forced to extend to such a elongated, rigid mass of straining delight that when the head of it turn to some mushroom shape and flared so huge that upon seeing a sight of one female Ass, the shaft takes on a life of its own.
The many times of when you stood alone and reflected over memories when as once a human man like the farmer, you knew of such pleasures, but with enjoying the company of a woman, a human, and not like the hairy Ass that stood then before you.
Brutal forces come to bear, things that happen are out of your ability to control and from such, come the blessed mating of two brute beasts. Each beast feels the need, both come together under one mind and that to procreate and make from their bodily means another of the same kind.
This is not an act of love, but the brutal actions of two beasts; one asserting a dominance over the other, she acting subservient, if but being the one who from her needs asserted to the male a scent which made him go near mad with male lust.
So for you it then began, your many conquests and sense of belonging to a growing herd of Asses. You realize the delight and become accustom to the joy that comes from standing upright, with a male shaft inserted and thrusting. This action, the sensation, and from it comes the personal satisfaction of having done something, and done it well!
Written by T.K. Rustin
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)