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A moment later, you are not only pulling up your pleated skirt, but you are now dancing. You are dancing the can can for everyone in the mall to see. You expertly perform a series of leg kicks, giving everyone a good look at your pretty underwear. In spite of the embarrassment pouring through you, there is nothing you can do to stop yourself.
The brunette types in another command. You continue dancing, but the dazed expression on your face changes to a smile. Finally, after a few more minutes, she allows you to stop.
"You danced wonderfully," the brunette laughs. "You should`ve been in the cast of `Moulin Rouge.`"
"Hah, funny," you mutter sarcastically.
"I don`t think you should speak to me that way, Cynthia," the brunette admonishes you.
"I`m not Cynthia," you hiss through your teeth.
The brunette smirks and pushes a button. Your mind suddenly fills with very feminine thoughts.
"I`m Cynthia!" you blurt out, suddenly getting a strange urge to act very perky and girly. "Want to go shopping?"
"Why, yes, Cynthia," the brunette smiles. "Just as soon as I take care of one thing."
The scenery in the mall gets fuzzy for a moment. Instead of standing around staring at you, you see all the shoppers, security guards, and other passersby go back to their own business, acting as if nothing odd had ever happened.
"That takes care of that," the brunette says. "So let`s shop!"
"Cool! I want to go look for dresses!" you gush excitedly, knowing deep down inside that you do not really want this.
The brunette moves her mouth close to your left ear and whispers, "I`m going to have fun making you act like a bubble-headed blonde for the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow, too." "Oh, yes! I love being a blonde!" you reply, giggling girlishly. Inside, you are fuming about being forced to act this way.
Written by an anonymous author
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