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As mind and reasoning returns so slowly, eyes bare witness to an excited person, this your friend. Friend though they be, the fact of their difference of form seems to be for you a dividing line, it separates them from you, leaving you to want for others of your own new kind.
The scrambling of uncoordinated legs as you struggle to get to a standing position is for you something of a horrid fear of anxiety.
"Ah, standing and this feels so righteous, head to head in height, this must be the way it was meant to be!" You think the words, you thought you were saying them as well but with a passing thought what is heard was the snuffled sounds of some animal struggling to make its feeling known to some other.
A step or two forward and the remembered horse shoe stuck to a fore hoof is as a weight to that one foot and feeling it as an oddity, you lift the leg and waging it at the knee, flicks the iron shoe off and leaves you then feeling ever so comfortable.
A tearful red eyed face comes close to look into your eyes as if wanting to communicate with you.
"Can you understand me, is this my friend, are you really in there?" this being says, and hearing the words you struggle to connect them into some sort of meaning. You remember the words as sounds, they held once meanings to you but from some reason you seemed to have forgotten all the meanings, they are by to you then as sounds coming from some thing there in front of you.
This creature to whom you still feel some sense of it being to you a friend and not having any intent to do you harm; you press your whole face against their chest and give forth a muffled whinny to seal again that want for being with another.
Instincts are taking control, the primary one of being as part of a herd and not standing alone offers as sense of safekeeping.
You peer down and seeing that iron horseshoe you flicked off your front fore hoof, you give it a slight kicking. The kick of it this other creature so notes and they do lean forward, grasping at it, as from some remembered reason you know it to be a danger, you shove this other creature, your friend, companion as such, and try to warn them that this thing is a danger to you both.
This to whom you think of as a companion is knocked off their stance and falls to the ground, only to jump back to a standing position and with an angry tone make harsh sounds at you.
Obviously this companion is upset and they turn on one heel and walk away to leave you by yourself, alone.
Not wanting to be alone in the vast world, you lunge into moving ahead and follow this friend, coming to keeping stride with them, you both walk side by side together toward some line of trees.
Reaching the line of trees your friend looks at you but makes not a sound. This friend then takes hold of some sort of barrier there before you and it leaps over this thing that to you seems as if something so tall you dare not try jumping over it too.
Your companion stands then to the far side of this tall barrier. The friend to you makes sounds, they come to your mind as woeful in meaning and you feel dread and great sadness.
"Really I do not know what happened here, that horseshoe did this to you, it had some intent and made of my friend the bodily form of a very fine looking young horse.
You are now a horse, can you understand me, you look at me with a blank sort of ignorant stare; I fear your change is more than of body, it has taken away your mind!
I shall leave you here, there is a farm on the other end of this pasture; go there, find what is to be for you your new life and manner of living, be the horse you fantasized you wanted to become if ever it were a possibility! Go, run, learn to be as you are and I shall come again to visit you.
Golly, but you should make one handsome stallion, the mares would go wild over having you mate them with that what you stand there letting it dangle. You are lucky to have had this happen, but being maybe ignorant of what you are will leave this all as some horrible fear filled life, then maybe this is your beginning of being damned.
Bye, do try to remember!"
Written by K.Rooste
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)