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Wild passions have brought you this far, and seeing is remembering!
Walking then on all fours you would think was so unlike how you moved before, but by doing it, the rythum in each stride seems smooth and actually quite coordinated. You admire your new found ability to walk, prance, and then try to move faster, soon running appeals to your animal mind and body.
Understanding some of what had brought you to this point is mind boggling, if but for the extreme sensuality you remember so vividly; had you obstained, had the courage to say no, then you would be as what you were born. A bleating laugh comes out the mouth, the essense of what was and what is then you; you would laugh at what you did to yourself, but its really is not very funny!
Humor is an abstract notion to one standing on all fours, naked to the world, and leading then to live as would a common animal to graze of the earthborn bounty.
Physical exertion of the walk and running has welled up inside of you a feeling suggesting of a full bladder, and you know it begs for a release of its load. Stopping all movement, th pondering wonder is just how would one being as a male goat do the act of releasing his bladder and let out a flow.
Human fears and thoughts of morality come yet into the changing mind; looking around less anyone take notice, seeing you relieve the pent up urge and not doing it in the privacy of a bathroom has one thinking like still a human.
Ducking the head toward the ground, you give a soft bleated chuckle, setting aside such worries over morality, as anyone looking, be they human or animal would expect nothing moral from someone then standing there as such a large male goat.
Still there is the learned consideration for your personal hygiene, and taking a half stride step forward you lengthen you bodily stance. The pressing back of your internal guts causes then the very short perk of your maleness to peek past the end of that goat wool covered sheath. At first only a few drips trickle of the end of that pretty pinkish-red shaft.
A quick nervous check of the visinity proves to you that not a sole animal about is paying you or your actions a thought.
Then with relaxing comes the surging flow, you feel better for having done it, the stench of it strikes in your nostrils and for as much your human mind thinks of this as filth; your building goat mentality says otherwise. The goat animal mind says of what you smell is as if your trait and a name!
It would seem wholly irrational to think in human terms and consider your urine smell as if being like your name. Yet, the thought prevails, and then with it comes the want to tuck down and twist back your goat head to see and do then a rank act.
"Rank," is the smell but as your mind changes, so also does the ideas change. You think then of a want to lift your right hind leg, pointing more upward the sheath and the still running flow of urine.
Your head in the tucked and ducked position, the leg rises some, pointing the shath upward, as the peeked end of your lusty male shaft shoots forth its stream. The flow strikes to the top of your goat head, trickling down, it soaks into the thick wool and your goat beard is soaked of the stench.
Eyes burn from the acrid urine, and the bestial mind makes its suggestion that this is a proper time to lick the black lips.
Urine on your head, soaking into your fur, the beard then reeks of the stench, but worse that all this, you have it in your eyes and tasted by your black as sin, tongue.
Swinging the head to its usual position the stench of the urine is then ever present in the nostrils. The human learned mind finds this all as something revolting; while from deep in the mind comes the idea that this stench will draw to you needy mates and grant you new pleasures.
The human mind thinks of this past few minutes and as if what is for you your life of being a buck sire goat, it is as an oblivion to you. Unmarked of time, your new form and different life to come is as if you stood on the crest of a hill overlooking of Hell and its vast dungeon of sin and defamed acts of wickedness.
Lust brought you to this fool point in living of life, and some added passionate nanny goats crowding around one who stinks of his own bodily wastes are making this lust minded male goat their offer. Each is of her own as an offering to delve further into becoming as is an animal, brutish and bestial, uncarring of what you do or how you do it!
The mind betrays your human instincts to avoid contact with that which is vile and coated with filth.
The nanny prevails, pushing up to your sensative nose her rump and it wafting up a rank scent that to your animal self is as if she were drenched in some arousing perfume.
Arousing is the scent, and aroused becomes the mind and of what it has a control. The male pinkish-red shaft comes out, stout to fully ready to grant the nanny her wish for relief of a sensation that is bothersome.
Again begins a quick courtship and the brash act of one becoming a brutal male animal.
What is of the mind as was human seems to take a backseat to the animalistic desire to procreate.
Screaming forth your bleated call of yet another conquest, the act of it is so quick that the human part there of your mind begs for the joining to continue and savor the moment.
The buck goat mentality wins out and after just one short spurt of semen, the big buck dismounts the nanny.
What is of the human mind wants more of the sensation, as sensation to it is but all that you have left to enjoy in a life to come of brutal weather and having to stand out in all forms of weather, weathering life as it comes.
The buck goat attitude agrees with the human insisting thoughts, and doing as it would have done anyway, while the maleness is still stout and out, you find yourself jumping the nanny again. Jumped, the seemingly poised and remembered aligienment comes again and the hot lust loving shaft finds its mark and in it thrusts.
"Wild," then is the sensation the passion and with this time the semen rushes forth, granting manly mind and goat self both the sense of something well done.
"Astonishing," the human mindset in you cannot believe that from the first and second mating of this lusty nanny goat, you do return insistantly back to her, mounting, thrusting, and mating with her seven times in total!
As testicles ache fro giving forth their surging bounty, the moments of passion remain vivid and the thoughts of a sad oblivion to come seems a bit brighter of a fantasy.
Written by AdobeFats
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