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Suddenly a searing pain explodes in your skull. At the same time, a red flash explodes in your eyes. Then you feel like you're floating in space, and you're so tired...
You wake up in a stranger's bed. What the? You check your body to see if you're still human. You are, but a DIFFERENT human. You get up and look in the mirror. The boy staring back at you is around your height, but he has black hair, big blue eyes, and a bunch of freckles, and he's a lot sknnier than you are. Aaaaagh! Have you switched bodies with someone? Then you owe the boy in the mirror his body back. Also, HE may be the one getting turned into an animal. Now where was the village again? Where are YOU, for that matter? You change out of the other kid's PJ's and put on some sneakers, jeans, and a T-shirt. Then you look for any clue as to where you are and whose body this is. You find an old backpack by the door. Bingo!
You look through some old notes the kid hasn't cleaned out yet, and you learn he's just finished 9th grade, like you. His name is James Jefferson. His handwriting is much better than yours, and you could use these notes to study from if you wanted to. Also, he lives in a town close to yours. Are Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson home? If they are, it might be hard to get away and rescue Scott and James. You exit James' room.
You check every room in the house, which is smaller than yours but nice, and the only person home is a dark-haired girl who must be James' big sister. Good thing she's asleep. Now, does James have a bike somewhere?
You walk out the back door and there's a little shed. It's unlocked, so you're able to get inside. Sure enough, there's a mountain bike that James would be abe to ride. However, there's one thing left to check: today's date. Doesn't James have a cell phone in his room? You enter the house again and turn it on. Sure enough, it's the same date it was when you were taken away by the werewolf, only a few hours earier. Huh? Well, at least you have some time to come to the rescue. You set it on vibrate and also take a watch on the nightstand with you. After all, James might take this very watch around with him, and you don't want his family to freak out. You take to the streets on the mountain bike.
You ride all the way to your neigborhood, whcih takes a while. Then you round the corner onto your street just in time to see yourself and Scott coming your way. For a minute you wonder if it's James in your body, but of course it isn't. You pedal away as fast as you can so as not to mess up the space-time continuum. Now all you have to do is follow Scott and yourself to the werewolf village and bust them out, except how are you going to do that? Wait... Something tugs at the back of your mind about grandpa. Grandpa's room. Potions. Secret room. Potions. You hope you didn't lock the door behind you.
You stash the bike in the bushes and try the doorknob. It turns, you push, and it opens. You sigh in relief. Thank god! You shut the door behind you and try to race up to grandpa's room. James' body responds with an incredibe burst of speed. His body actually feels a lot lighter than yours, and limber, too. Maybe being James for a day isn't so bad after all. You walk into grandpa's room and look around. Where's that secret room the little voice in your mind mentioned? Just as you turn to leave, a part of the floor gives way under your left foot. You automatically pull your foot back and are surprised that in this body you can easily balance on one foot. You put your foot down on solid floor and look down the hole in the floor. It's a trapdoor that opens down onto a smooth metal chute, and you can see that it leads straight down to a room. The trapdoor blended so well into the floor that you didn't even notice until you almost fell in. Well, no point in just standing here. You jump in. James' bady seems so well adapted to a drop of a couple feet. You keep your balance when you land and your feet absorb the shock. The room is full of potions and books on shelves. What do you want to do?
Written by Steve Charuk
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)