Game 4 | Game 4 Outline |
as you are turning into a dinosaur in the egg you ponder how long this will take
thats it yep thats boring hey what did i tell you about doing that umm then the annoying mans mouth disapered agine I warned him now were was i ah yes
go away this is all that's here and i swear if im the only one who breakes the fourth wall in this place i don't think these people know funny?
you what
the end or is it CLIFFHANGER HAS FALLEN TO HIS DOOM so yeah the end for now or forever haven't desided yet so yeah
selcetion what phase you want t-rex raptor or spino also dun dun dun and now for something completely difrent monty python?
Written by Draco the king of bad puns dun dun dun...... what that's it?
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