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You stumble about the lab for awhile. It's hard to think through the haze of, well, being a chicken, but you eventually cluck your way into an important looking room.
"Cluck!" you say by way of greeting to the lab coated woman sitting at a desk.
"Er. Hello," she replies.
"Cluck? Cluck! Ba-gawk!"
"I'm sorry, I don't speak chicken... Perhaps if you were a little more human?"
You start to bob your head to show this odd woman that you agree completely with her suggestion.
"Ah!" she says, her face lighting up. "You do understand me! That means you must have been in the hall when the Transmorph Three-Twenty had its little uh.. hiccup."
"Well, listen. I'm sorry. But maybe if you had looked at the warning signs, you wouldn't have been exposed to the M-Rays, now would you, huh?" She's starting to look a little frustrated with you, so you decide to back off.
"Cluck-cluck," you say, apologizing.
"Better. Now, follow me, my little chick..." She winks and leads you down a hall into another lab. Inside is an examination table with what looks to be a large laser pointing at it. The doctor lifts you up and places you on the table.
"Now, I can't promise full humanity. The accident I mentioned earlier has drained most of the power from the Three Twenty. But hey, seventy-five percent human is better than one hundred percent chicken, right?"
"Oh, it won't hurt a bit. Now hold on to your feathers." The doctor starts to type into a computer near the laser. Lights start to flash and you can hear a dull hum start to build in the background. It gets louder and louder. You gulp. You preen yourself some. You're getting nervous. You feel butterflies (though you guess they'd be mealworms or something, considering your state) in your stomach.
The sound continues to rise and you get more and more frightened. Who knew that chickens were such, well, chickens?
"Get ready! One!"
You gulp and cluck, your stomach doing flip flops.
Suddenly you feel a release, like a vast weight has been taken off your inards. You hear a noise behind you and turn to look.
Looking behind you, you see it. An egg.
Your second to last thought before the beam hits you is 'How can I lay an egg? I'm a boy!'
Your last thought is 'Uh-oh.'
Then you black out, unable to point out the error in gender. But, when you awake you do manage to...
Written by Log
(This page has not yet been checked by the maintainers of this site.)