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Slowly you get back to your senses. Looking around you, you realise your back inside the x-ray room, lying on a white bed. Next to you is a still knocked out Jason on another bed. You feel your head pounding from a shrieking headache. Focussing your sight, you recognize a short figure in a white coat hunched over some sort of small complexe-looking machine.
"Hey dock, what's goin on?" you moan.
"Ah! Awake at last!" he replies, startled.
"Yeah, but my head is killing me. What just happened?"
"Oh nothing," he answers,"you and your friend have been out cold for ze past hour. Zo I took ze opportunity to run ze tests on both of you."
His voice sounds like a mad scientist's, which makes you feel very uneasy about the whole thing.
"Both of us? Weren't you only suppose to run tests on me? Why Jason?"
"Zat is because you gave him a drink zat was made specially for you, not him. We had to run ze tests on him to examine ze possible side effects," he answers sinisterly.
"...So is he gona be ok?"
No answer. From a small mirror above the machine, you notice that the old man is glaring at you, grinning even, but doesn't answer. Instead, he choartles and tells you, " Zat is all ze tests we are going to need from ze both of you. You can go home and come back in a week. Of course, you vill be paid for the whole week."
Without wasting a second, you lift up Jason over your shoulder and leave. Once at your car, you let out a sigh of relief from getting out of that creepy plac, but glance over at Jason, finally waking himself up. "Hey bro," he groans," What's going on?"
"Oh nothing, you just hit your head on the door as it swung open and passed out."
"Ohhh... " He groans in pain, "is that why my head is hurting so much?"
"Yeah, but it'll be ok, " you answer, unsure yourself of what you just said. "Side effects? Hope it's nothing serious," you think to yourself.
Written by someone you know
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