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you tip yourself over and the cart breaks instantly, just before the pressure gets to the danger stage. "congratulations you have saved yourself" says the prof, now slightly anoyed. then scott who was trying to tip himself over explodes. strangely there is no blood...
then the prof says "oh well id better fix the problems. i'll also let you go, but there will probably be a premenant scar." he presses another button on the romote and a large cork flyes out of your bottom. then all the air comes out of you, with a load and volitile fart sound. its so big it blows the proffessor away! finally your back to your normal size. then you look at the remains of the cart. inside there are some clothes and an envolope with writing on one side. you put on the clothes. and read the writing on the envelope: here is your money don't worry it doesn't have any substances on it.
before you open it you feel yourself inflating again, your fatter than when you started off. the clothes are too big for you so they cut into your skin. you open the envelope. inside is the money and another note. you read the note: if you just became fatter. then that is the scarring, inclosed is the money without my powder. you put the money in your pocket and head home. when you get home you shut the blinds, take off the clothes and look at yourself in a mirror. your definately fatter, your belly is hanging over your underware! you have some stretch marks from your huge inflation but that and the weight gain is all. you look down your underpants and check. nothing different there, fhew your sex life can continue. you get on the scales, your 2.5 stone over your last weight! then your belly grows more and more and more. soon your mostly fat but this time you have limbs. then the doorbell rings. you head to your parents bedroom and put on some of your dads clothes, they fit! you hurry downstairs and open the door, its a guy from UPS™ he gives you a letter. you close the door and open the letter.
Written by bob
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