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It was eventual. You tell yourself. Your a woodland cartoon fox, of course there would be a chicken farm for you to rob.
There before you is a large farm containing the most tasty looking chicken you have ever seen. It takes all the willpower you have to not just go running down there and steal a chciken because you know that somewhere, as these cartoons go, there is a very nasty guard dog or annoying rooster just waiting for sneaky woodland toon foxes like you to try and steal a hen, and beat you sensless for it.
In fact come to think of it you dont remember a single cartoon that turns out well for the fox in a simular situation.
You plan to break the status quo.
Pulling out your bag of tricks from behind your back you sort through a large assortment of tools, anvils, pianos, and TNT until you find what you want.
A red rubber glove. Which you snuggly fit over your ears. Viola, you now look like a cartoon rooster and go walking proudly towards the farms main gate.
Written by an anonymous author
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