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DEHA-50 pills from Sunrise Research were the catalyst, and Mike taking , swallowing thirty-four pills caused my dear brother to see and feel a bodily change he would never again regain any sense of dignity.
I wished to know more about what he bought, and of the tube filled with a salve-cream. A reading as of the instruction sheet and how it told of what to expect, as a body would increase muscle mass. I had read as Mike read, the instructions specified the taking of one pill daily, as after a week of taking the pills, on the next week, the user could increase the number of pills ingested to three; but Mike took thirty pills not three!
The cream he used was part of the body builder program but was used to increase length and girth to what Mike wished was bigger than how it had grown!
The instructions explicate, warning a user as to the strength of the medication, and if used improperly, told of strange to horrible manifestations could occur.
My brother Mike was one to try most anything legal, but was in a rush to see what any product could do, as grant him some physical gain. He never had an inkling of what his taking such a mass dose would do to him, it changing his body as did his pony self give change to what he wanted from life.
"If Wisher Were Horses," this a Internet site where transformation to being an equine is discussed and offers some well thought out insights. Mike was not into reading transformation stories, but after what he became, his situation got his younger brother, Me as an interested, avid reader of transformation stories.
A good as blunt and vividly told story found at the Transformation Story Archive as Goggled "By Authors" brings up the "Menagerie." It held a similar situation I found enlightening, while adding to the sheer horror of what it might well be like to change bodily into the form of an animal.
I had left Mike to doing what for him had become his new nature, while I walked on toward home. In as much I wanted to try and begin taking some of what was left over of those Sunrise Research pills, as gain some of what did Mike.
When I arrived to home, mom was there and she smiling at her one son, was reason enough for me to forget my ambition toward causing my body to being different.
When Mom asked me about what she was cleaning, had found some weird pills, as from a research company, she asked if Mike was using them, or were they mine.
"Any weird pills were Mike's!" I replied to Mom and her concerned as loving question.
"Weird, they smell like fresh cut hay!" Mom remarking said, as I shrugged my shoulders, to then ask, "Did you flush them down the toilet, or toss them out?"
"I tossed the bottle of pills into the wastebasket and some odd tube of cream with them, junk into the junk!" Mom said, and then she walked away to another room, and gave me time to retrieve both the cream and the bottle of pills.
Later, as that very night I was seated at the side of my bed and had in one hand the tube of cream, while in the other hand was the bottle with still maybe two hundred pills.
I set down the tube of cream on the bed as I went to open the bottle of pills. The pills did remind me of what hay smells like, and of Mike, his breath after he was grazing.
I tipped the bottle to one side and let the pills roll out into my other hand.
"Take one pill per day, for one week, and then increase the dosage as desired for effect." I thought back to having read the instruction sheet what came with the pills and cream.
I ate my first pill and went to bed. Odd for me, but every two hours during that night I awoke and had a need to urinate.
Come the first morning after ingesting my first pill, I felt tired!
I continued the using of the pills, taking one each night, having the same ever more urgent need to urinate every two hours.
I started using the cream, that on the first Friday, massaging it along the length of my male member, my scrotum, and through the patch of pubic hairs.
One night became an every night happening, as I creamed myself, and added, took two pills. As happened before I awoke with a dire need and went back to sleep easily after relieving myself. This went onward for three weeks, as my number of pills ingested continued to get hiked up, I was swallowing six pills each night.
It happened that as I increased the number of pills ingested, strange and horny happenings occurred. Whenever I got close to a girlfriend or even Mom, I gained an erection. My erections began getting longer of duration, as did my penis grow, gaining length, and girth.
My penis was by the end of the second month as nine inches long when at ease, and a mighty eleven inches long when in an erect state. My penis had added new girth, it when erect had doubled and made me feel like more than a man.
The nightly use of the cream was the cause for my penis to become darker colored, its hue after the second month was like a charcoal black and highly sensual to any touching. It with that I went back to visit with Mike, he having continued to live his life as would a pony and stallion.
When I had arrived to the pasture and Mike seeing me he came to say his sort of hello, I unveiled my new and massive maleness for him to see.
Mike whinnied, he became as if upset, began doing hind leg high kicks and shaking his head as if to warn me of what had happened to him, might happen to me.
I fell to kneeling, as smiled up at Mike, I told him I had no plans of continuing to use the pills, now that I had the desired changes. His hearing me say that had Mike stand then and he listening, was deep in thoughts, as I watched and waited for his remarks.
I knew that Mike was far past any ability to speak any intelligible words, yet we being as born brothers, there was a strange new sense of understanding what we thought. I found after having put my hand to his forehead, that what he thought then radiated into me and my mind.
We did our trick of mutual understanding and Mike reacted as he would when pleased, he became erect down under, his charcoal colored cock hanging limp, but bloated.
I stood there and bolstered my erection for him to see, he sniffing my penis, his hot breath breathed on me caused me to get rigidly erect to leaking of pre.
"An odd reaction of mutual erections between brothers, as maybe, but I felt a sense of jealousy about what Mike had, him being a pony stallion!"
My brother Mike reared up, as turned, he wheeling around, took to chase toward me a young filly feeling her first ever waves of estrus.
"Oh no, no Mike no, what you offer is wrong as i am still human. You take her!" I said, and right there, he did, he bred her as I watched.
Written by Vaulthurst
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