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Movie done and feelings down my legs as odd, I headed toward a hot shower. Once up and walking came with the urge to urinate, the rush then to the bathroom became more urgent with every stride step.
A quick tug-down of the sweat pants and the odd stench of my sweaty legs filled the room air. As I took hold to my male member for pointing of it down, it reacted as if the aiming of it were preset for shooting my urine skyward. I had to lean afar forward with one hand slapped to the top of the toilet tank as my other hand was then able to direct my stout maleness toward the toilet bowl.
What came, came with such a stream, literally gushing out of me, making a thick froth across the water standing in the toilet bowl. As that happened I took note to my penis, seeing for the first time as to the definite changes along its length. The first thing so noticed was how my circumcised end to my penis had compressed down to becoming a blunt as flattened end, the glans there protruded in a grotesque sort of ring.
The hue color of my penis had changed, as it looked much darker, not pinkish anymore. My penis had grown longer, it from weeks of taking the research company pills was by that Saturday morning already some eleven inches long, was by then hanging out way more than a foot, 12 to 14 inches of stout male meat.
Eying down at what I had grown, I saw then as to the swollen size of my scrotum, as human testicles were different, becoming more rounder, baseball sized, held snug up in my groin in a black smooth skinned sack.
"I got to stop this before like Mike I have gone too far!" I recall well having grumbled then.
As the urinating slowed to a dribble I felt an urge to try stroking my male meat, and doing so make it stiffen, getting drastically hard, my glans blooming into a mushroom shaped head, and halfway along the penis length showed me a rather equine like medial ring.
Holding my stiffened as changed cock with two hands, I noticed the stout girth of it as similar to a 10 oz. pop can. "Oh God no, it's grown way too big for me ever having the ability to make love to a real woman!"
After exclaiming the realized thought and from the previous afternoon visiting with Mike at his pastured home, and his offering to me for my pleasure seeking a yearling filly mare, I began to realize as how far along I had changed to be like Mike.
Nervous, as sweating maybe more, my skin pours weeping out droplets of sweat, I undressed for my showering, becoming fully naked before the bathroom mirror. As I stood there gawking at what on me was the modified maleness looking greatly equine of coloring, of length, of contour, and during the time while watching that strenuous movie I grew a pony like sheath.
"Damn me, I was a fool to think I could cause a controlled as minor change to my maleness...!" My sense of horror was just beginning, because with standing there naked before a broad mirror, I noted too as how the skin on my legs appeared as if dirty. A closer examination of my legs proved that the use of the new salve on them done twice that Saturday, I had then small hairs sprouting, thousands upon tens of thousands of hairs coating my body from navel to toes.
"I got to stop this here and now..., OUCH!" I said, as just then my thigh muscles drew up tight into a massive cramping action, causing me to lean forward and begin to messaging at my legs.
The horridly painful cramping pains spread to my buttocks and then into my lower back making me want to scream from the pains.
My messaging of the thighs and my seemingly wriggling buttocks as waves of seizing tight to then twisting taunt pains took to conforming my buttocks along chemically programmed changing. When after what seemed an eternity of pain slowly eased, I was by then reeling, lying on the bathroom floor, wishing I had never known about the pills or used that acrid salve.
Finally, it was over, the pains gone, leaving lying on the tile floor, its natural coolness giving my aching body a much appreciated chilly feeling.
Feeling as well from the gut-wrenching pains, my taunt still thigh muscles, I was humored by the fact my then quite equine like cock was standing stiff with a stout erection. As I reached both hands to grab at and begin to stroking of the cock length, I noticed it had grown again, being then as much like what Mike had, mine then I estimated to be 18 inches elongated!
Stroking my cock began a tightness feeling in my enlarged balls and after two perked spurts of pre, my cock erupted with three hearty surged spewings of thick, whitish, very creamy of texture semen; it shot up into the bathroom air some two feet before flopping, splattering down on my chest.
You might expect the ejaculating and splattering of my semen on my bare chest was a happy sensation, but it wasn't to me. I felt sickened and appalled by what had then occurred. The huge orgasmic surge felt relaxing to my groin, as did the volume of my semen shot out the cock and covering my chest suggested my bigger balls were fully transitioned to producing equine volumes of semen.
I thought then as f Jillian, she was a girlfriend to Mike, they having gone full on into a sexual relationship; as if I were with her after that session of ejacualting she would likely be moaning due to the sheer volume of sperm shot deep toward her womb.
Horny feelings begat me to giggle at the thought of my mating with Jillian, she being a town whore for having many guys date her. I wanted her about then, my cock slowly softening, retracting back in, as up, inside its new formed sheath.
Tucking my legs to touch my lower abdomen, planning to roll over and get to a standing position, I felt something behind me seemingly pop, as protrude. My using a right hand to feel back there hit upon what from the cramps did then protrude. My anus had changed, it feeling as soft but a tight muscular sphincter, did feel like what I had seen on Mike, he having changed completely of bodily self to being as if born a pony animal.
Bad as that felt to me, my roving hand met upon a bulge nearer the end to my spine, what from feeling at it I realized my tailbone was growing!
I staggered into the shower stall, turning on a hot streaming shower of water as I sat down on the stall seat and let the raining water try to quell my horrid fears of what next would happen and see some equine like changes.
Written by Vaulthurst
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