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The full realization of what was the coming me had not by then struck home as to what I had just agreed to allow happen. It took more than an hour of me fussing with trying to pack a suitcase, grabbing at various memorabilia items, before I realized that my going to the research farm meant my existence as anything human would cease.
As I stood there looking down into my halfway filled suitcase, and not an item of clothing yet placed within it, my very masculine member rose out and stiffened into a stout erection. "Waste not want not," my Uncle so often said as his favorite cliche. My seeing my bigger then ever equine shaped cock rise for some occasion, I took to stroking of it having to use both hands to sensually arouse my balls to give me a orgasmic response.
I stood there and when the orgasm came, I came, the cum shooting out of me with three long ropes of semen. My aim was equal to my view and with remarkable aim i did shoot my load into the opened suitcase; thoroughly coating most every item placed there into that suitcase.
I stood there panting after the massive ejaculating episode. My mind clearly thinking again about the reality of what we becoming as the new me, and of my foolish thoughts, wishing to take with me those things what meant something to a human.
After all would be done, the real me would cease to being anything resembling a born human, as the Professor thought my new self was that of the Dartmoor breed. I did not know what a Dartmoor looked like, so I Goggled it using the image search and had a look at what might soon be me.
My seeing the Dartmoor style body I was not highly impressed, as it looked like a blend of donkey and small horse, its coat somewhat thicker, muzzle looking meally, but was quite muscular, having a recessed sheath set between two broad, muscular thighs.
Just then the home telephone rang, its ringing startled me, I for some reason then looked at my alarm clock, seeing the time.
"1:00 pm," the clock read, as I let the phone call go unanswered. I then stood there with a softening erection hanging bloated but limp reaching down to where it could bonk at my hocks.
"Hi there, this is Dad, just calling to tell you that your Uncle here discovered the problem with my car. It was a silly little electrical fuse had blow, and he replacing it, the car began operating again just fine.
We, your mother and I plan to leave for home soon, as likely arriving there around 8:00 pm. See you then!" Dad said, as he then hung up his telephone receiver, cancelling his call to their one son at home.
"8:00pm, they get home at that time, they might see me when the men come to pick up their newest stud, me!" I exclaimed aloud, being sickly horrified by what I might need deal with, as having to tell what became of my elder brother, and of something similar that I chose to be, denying my human heritage and desiring to become a common pony animal for some stupid sexual sensations.
Guess what this illogically thinking as then looking like an Anthropic sort of an aroused male-pony, a manly being enough to desire for more, I ate a sheer handful of body builder pills; not giving a care as to what was the color, white or orange.
A large glass of water followed to help swallow the mashed mush. As from so much of the drugs I felt ill, sick to my stomach and thought it best to lie down on my bed.
Feeling relaxed I slipped into a deep sleep not awakening until later in that Sunday afternoon. Suddenly I was jerked awake by a hand shaking me, my shoulders.
"Hey buddy, we arrived sooner than what the Professor said, are you about ready to come with us to the research farm?" A man said, as such a man I lay there looking up at, he being as looking somewhat of kin to a farm bull, was heavy-set muscular, his nostrils wide to make his face have a part muzzled look.
"What, who me," I replying, said and sat upright, feeling discombobulated.
"What time is it," i said, as then turned my head to spy a look at the bedside alarm clock.
"6:35 pm," It read, and I felt some sense of relief as to my dear parents coming home to find their only son on a fast track of becoming a furry animal and pony.
"Friends of the management i presume?" I said, as my asking made the big man to laugh.
"Yup, now come with me, can you walk?" He asked, as I wondered why he asked if I could walk, but then notice as if from my great number of pills ingested and taking a nap, I then had grown my new hind hoofs.
"Oh wow, I got hoofs," I exclaiming so said.
"Yea, yea and your fore-hoofs grew in as well!" The big man said, as made me look, only to see my hands as both gone, changed into brownish pony size hoofs.
"Wow, well so much for physical dexterity," I said, and wiggling my big butt to the edge of my bed, with hind legs hanging down to touch the bedroom floor, I began taking an inventory as to what all of me was pony and an animal.
Written by Vaulthurst
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