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I was off, as taken away from the home and parents I knew and loved. I was with others like me, those whether by choice of not, we three riding in the livestock hauling trailer knew each the other by why we were there, and by our differing scents.
My many aches and real pains was fast becoming a pony stallion. My enlarged nostrils and sinus worked overtime, informing my changing brain as to the genders of the other two equines riding with me. They were females, and their changing selves had them aroused and entering estrus.
By being mostly a stallion pony and having to sniff the air there in that trailer, the smell of a mare in estrus makes any stallion become erect; his cock so aroused as stiff it hurts. I became as one male animal eager to get loose from being tied, and when able, I wanted to court each mare before mounting them.
My changing mouth and head forced me to discard trying to speak intelligible words to the mares, as I stood there shrieking my whinnied sounds, angered and getting very horny. So it continued, my struggling to gain some freedom and near begging of the mares to let me service them, and they me, my aching body wanting to know sex from an equine point of view.
After what seemed like some horrible eternity, the truck pulling the livestock trailer slowed and took a hard turn to the right. We were removed from traveling along some smooth highway, and rerouted onto a gravel road. The mares had been mares for much longer a time than had I become as is a pony and stallion. They mostly ignored where the truck was taking us, as my companions had their rowdy feelings to entrance their minds.
I would admit to being exceptionally horny, after my body had conformed properly to the serum injected into me by the truck driver, Randall. Our ride along the gravel as bumpy road was short lived, as the truck then came to a stop.
"Howdy, Mr. Thompson, I have with me your son, he being how you contracted with Professor Beeker to have Bobby become a greater use to you here on your farm." I heard Randall say, as then Bobby, the half goat fellow I had heard talking before we left where I previously called as home.
"Hey... dad..., baa..., just look at me now!" I heard Bobby greeting his father and bleating like he was more like a goat from when I had heard him speak before!
"Well," said the man who might be a diabolical sort of father to have his son made to be a Billy goat. "I see that Professor Beeker is worth every penny I paid him. You should fit rightly into the goat herd as a sire buck should.
I hope that your interests are along the same ideals as I had when sending you to stay with the Professor. You make a handsome looking Nubian breed satyr standing there looking at me, and me seeing the new you."
"Excuse me sir, but I need for you to sign my manifest here, as to receiving your new buck goat." Said Randall, he speaking a bluntly as he did to my parents, and similarly to my father.
"Baa... but dad you should see the big Dartmoor pony stallion standing back there in the trailer. He was like me but asked to go all the way, baa..., come, say Randy can we see how he is progressing?" Bobby the Billy goat satyr asked.
I heard the trailer loading ramp being cranked down to the lowered position, while my nose smelled what a buck goat is to tickle my fancy.
"Well, ain't he a handsome stud!" Mr. Thompson said about the new me.
"What you say we buy him, Randy how much would he cost?" An excited Bobby said, asking about purchasing me.
"Sorry guys, the Professor sold him to the Morrison Pony Farm. They will geld him and have him and the two mares used to letting handicapped child get to ride a pony." Randall announced, as his words excited Bobby so much that all he could do what to plead to buy me by bleating at his dad.
"I will give a call to the Professor and double the amount he gained from the Morrison farm, we have need of a good, sound stud pony at our farm." Mr. Thompson said, as hearing him expound worked to delight my hope to remain as a stallion pony for a lot longer time.
Randall walked me around until Mr. Thompson returned, he smiling at Randall and maybe me.
"I called and made an offer which the Professor accepted gladly. The Dartmoor is mine now, so if you would please, lead him along into the corral there, and we can watch his reaction to being close to four donkey jennets deep into their month of estrus." Mr. Thompson said, as me having heard where I was to go, the four donkey females were as much an excitement, as I had a male need like nothing I ever felt.
My whinny of thanks I believe Bobby understood better than did his dad, but my cock stood hung stiff and my mind filled with desires to procreate.
Written by Vaulthurst
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