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My new length, the added girth, her vaginal tunnel, vaginal muscles, my thrusts, her vaginal grip and squeezing, my sheer volume of semen my big balls can ejaculate, all this and the sensations of furred flanks rubbing over an equally furry round, strong rump, had both stallion and jennet donkey revelling from their first ever sexual encounter.
Just after I stood down from being humped over the jennet donkey, she turned her rump toward me a second time, lifting her tail and winking her semen weeping vulva, she wanting for another round of brutal equine breeding.
My thoughts were along the lines of me being spent my load and needing time to regain my volume of ejacable semen. Yet the jennet remained relentless, she taking to chasing me all around the corral. I whinnied to her, as best I could to beg her to cease the chase. She brayed her sense of female anguish, as did her female friends take to standing with hind legs spread apart, vulva lips winking, and tails held high.
I had thought from having watched Mike mate with a young mare that the stallion controlled the breeding session, but it was not so, the female equine were domineering when it came to letting a stud mount, mate, and implant his seeds.
Billy goat Bobby saw my situation and after a half hour of rough turmoil, he did open the corral gate to let me escape the onslaught of four anxiously angered jennet donkeys.
"Give it time, your recent transforming has not yet gifted you with the strength of a stallion. Tina and her friends, all four of those horny jennets were experiment volunteers two months ago while still at Sunrise Farms. I was told that all four females were erotic lovers to Professor Beeker; he has a great fancy for fornicating with young ladies." Bobby told me, as I stood near and listened, my response was to whinny, as loud and long like I did understand.
The first ever sexual encounter with a female of any kind was for me as something wondrous and very special. My first day being a stallion pony was more than I could wish of for being real. Bobby and his father had paid Randall the agreed amount, making me as property of their family owned farm.
Mr. Thompson came then to speak to me, he telling both Bobby and me that Randall had informed him as to my partial injection, donning me to keep my human mindset, my memories remaining intact for the next four to six years before I would casually slip off all human bonds and become a very willing stallion pony used as a stud to breed.
Much of what Mr. Thompson said, or told tended to calm me, as I did not look forward to what I knew the Morrison pony farm manager had planned to separate me from my big balls. The information told about how during four years of living my lifestyle being a stallion pony at stud would degrade my mentality, leaving ultimately as a ignorant animal.
Mr. Thompson then old his half-son Bobby to take the new stallion to his private stall, and when we came to it I noticed and was able to read my name as printed on a sign hung directly over the door to my stall.
"I for one am glad my father could purchase you, as our elderly stud died last week, and he was for me a fun friend. I hope we can be friends, good friends, because of what my Stepfather contracted with the Professor, making me to be what I liked to be, me a satyr at heart.
Satyrs are gay by their nature, liking to fornicate with males, as I did with male companions, including old Justin, our farm stud. Justin was not a pony, he being a Friesian breed of horse. You being of the Dartmoor breed makes you more stocky, having strong chest and legs that from mating with jennet donkeys, they foal then strong Mules.
Last year our farm birthed a record number of mule foals, some 63 mules, some female and some male, the males were my thrill, as I love to suckle big cocks; and what you have as a cock is something nicely big. Our jennet donkeys, Tina who you mated with, and her three friends, Joan, Francine, and Carla, were born human but having lived around Professor Beeker for two years, he did whatever he wish to them, and they had to accept it, or be processed a second time through the Reformation serum, becoming then as hybrid donkey sex playmates he then sells to south of the border sex-wagering pits and circuses.
Human trafficking is highly illegal, but sales of anthropics, or hybrid animals across borders is not illegal. The Professor and his research laboratory has a process and it works quite well. He advertises for young and single people to come and do contractual work, or volunteer with pay for allowing him to experiment, using them as would a legal laboratory would use apes to test their new drugs.
In my mind, you are a lucky stud, and I am somewhat jealous. My Stepfather had me reduced to being half human, as is an anthropic; therefore I am as property, thought of as a commodity if I get out of line, my step dad can sell me like I was all a goat. I know he has a syringe sent to him from the Professor, and if he deems it necessary, he could come to me by night and injecting me with the serum, come the third day after the injection, you would see me walking on all fours, me then all a buck goat and future herd sire.
Let me be quite honest with you, as if my step-dad did inject me, and when I became a buck goat, my future would be for me as something nicely bright. Our farm owns more than two hundred goats as a herd, and 99% of them are females. I mate with the doe goats when the desire is strong, and when not with them I shall be here plaguing you to let me suckle you to an orgasm and me swallowing the evidence of our being sexually friendly," Bobby said, as I stood there listening, he then fell to his knees and began to pet my sheath using both of his hands.
Indeed, sex and fornication with Bobby and/or female equines was my future and livelihood!
Written by Vaulthurst
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