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My new length, the added girth, her vaginal tunnel, vaginal muscles, my thrusts, her vaginal grip and squeezing, my sheer volume of semen my big balls can ejaculate, all this and the sensations of furred flanks rubbing over an equally furry round, strong rump, had both stallion and jennet donkey revelling from their first ever sexual encounter.
Just after I stood down from being humped over the jennet donkey, she turned her rump toward me a second time, lifting her tail and winking her semen weeping vulva, she wanting for another round of brutal equine breeding.
My thoughts were along the lines of me being spent my load and needing time to regain my volume of ejacable semen. Yet the jennet remained relentless, she taking to chasing me all around the corral. I whinnied to her, as best I could to beg her to cease the chase. She brayed her sense of female anguish, as did her female friends take to standing with hind legs spread apart, vulva lips winking, and tails held high.
I had thought from having watched Mike mate with a young mare that the stallion controlled the breeding session, but it was not so, the female equine were domineering when it came to letting a stud mount, mate, and implant his seeds.
Billy goat Bobby saw my situation and after a half hour of rough turmoil, he did open the corral gate to let me escape the onslaught of four anxiously angered jennet donkeys.
"Give it time, your recent transforming has not yet gifted you with the strength of a stallion. Tina and her friends, all four of those horny jennets were experiment volunteers two months ago while still at Sunrise Farms. I was told that all four females were erotic lovers to Professor Beeker; he has a great fancy for fornicating with young ladies.
I heard back from Randall, he having heard on his truck radio about a man taking body enhancing pills and an injection, he entering a hospital, had grown equine size genitals." Bobby told me about my father, he got injected during a brawl with Randall. I stood near by and after listened, my response was to whinny, as loud and long like I did understand Bobby, and hoped my dear father would use his very equine genitals to thrill mom; their love life due to his age had gone on the rocks.
Bobby promised to learn more about what became of my dad, and get pictures if possible.
"We got you scheduled for six breeding session tomorrow, so get some rest, you will need all your virility, those mares and jennets get real horny!"
Written by Vaulthurst
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